Home Real Estate WION Climate Tracker | Most parts of Europe swelter under heat wave | Warmer nights prevail in UK

WION Climate Tracker | Most parts of Europe swelter under heat wave | Warmer nights prevail in UK

WION Climate Tracker | Most parts of Europe swelter under heat wave | Warmer nights prevail in UK

Europe is reeling under a heat wave and it’s not a usual heat wave. The soaring temperatures are making people sick and affecting day-to-day lives. So, what exactly has changed this year and why is it so hot in Europe?

#heatwave #europe #climatecrisis

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  1. Houses built to keep warm means they are insulated.
    That serves to keep the heat OUT too!
    Architecture in hot European countries like Spain
    have traditionally had thick walls and small windows / jalousie
    Modernists using glass and air-con have to revise their methods!

  2. Climate change is not necessary until Humans greed is change. If we see 3 years ago Brazil Amazon was burning due to deforestation, then Indonesia to grow palm oil essential to all human products, Africa Congo exploitation to mine cobalt and other rare earth minerals and many more. Even in India which has blessed soil and monsoon rain we cut down trees to build more houses not even thinking of re planting. China too.

    All these to meet human demands.
    Bring electric vehicle will not help and there is no solution to this climate change, we have to learn to live with it, just like COVID.
    Climate change is another business scheme to make money. Social media job is to bring more fear every day and promote government or big companies business.

  3. It’s Summer. Thats why its called Summer and Summer has always been HOT: inversely to Winter which has always been COLD. Only idiots and the ignorant believe that the hot weather of Summer or the cold weather of Winter is caused by a change in climate.

  4. There is an affordable solution to climate change. Meers mirrors probably our greatest hope, but awareness of them need to be spread and governments need to be elected on the promise they'll deploy these meers mirrors. Spread this message about. Spread it everywhere you can. We can beat global warming, the technology exists but we need people to spread this message everywhere asap

  5. These pale skinned people have promoted they were the ancient Egyptian's where these temperature's are normal in Egypt. What's the problem pale people, the truth always comes to the surface.

  6. TYPICAL FOOL: "Duh it's Climate Change duh it's da end of de world. Duh…!" What a bunch of lies. If you still have seasons (with WINTERS!) you don't have a 'Climate Change' emergency. You don't have a 'hotter planet'. The Climate ALWAYS CHANGES.

  7. Actually whole world 🌎 should go for agroforestry, then agro industries. Plant & grow tall spreading shadows various trees 🌳 from the seeds flowers fruits of which get daily needs and income such as Ritha banyan peeple umber jackfruit jamun Imali shamali.Gambhir pilkhan maulashri Indian coral tree ardu babool bamboo sisum palash karanj cotton wood parijat kanchan shammi teak wood parijat kanchan shammi ashoka Rohida(fast growing with little care in rajastan. Commercial valuable timber plant)jamun etc


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