Home Immigration WION Live Broadcast | PM Modi to commission India's first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

WION Live Broadcast | PM Modi to commission India's first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

WION Live Broadcast | PM Modi to commission India's first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

WION Live Broadcast | PM Modi to commission India’s first indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant

#WIONLiveBroadcast #Modi#INSVikrant

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  1. Lies lies left and right paradigm.. The way this reality works is people and then elite and then politicians,presidents which are puppets and peddlers for elite they don't care about people.They don't care about u India.They work for the elite ,cops everyone up the latter. Wake up the fallen are trying so hard ,but it is written if u have eyes and ears to see.They already failed.What's comming toi humanity has never bean since the dawn of time.Excellencies they say .Who humans sheep corrupt.I cry for the people all over the world and children.These fks never belive them.They litterly step on dead body's to make money.Buisess as usual..And it's like that all over the world.Population control and money on arm's. IT'S BUISNESS,WAKE UP.


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