Home Immigration World Business Watch: Portugal announces a one-year ‘digital nomad’ visa for remote workers | WION

World Business Watch: Portugal announces a one-year ‘digital nomad’ visa for remote workers | WION

World Business Watch: Portugal announces a one-year ‘digital nomad’ visa for remote workers | WION

Portugal is officially launching a one-year ‘digital nomad’ visa, and it’s directly aimed at remote workers. By launching this visa, Portugal joins the list of countries that already offer such opportunities to all internationals who plan to work remotely.

#Portugal #DigitalNomadVisa #WorldBusinessWatch

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  1. A digital business and digital warfare state visa?
    Interesting, and who monitors their digital security and who oversights their international digital and computer crimes, or how much leeway do they get, or are they held to a higher standard ?
    What digital infrastructure personelle safety do they get more so than American persons and or also digital and computer science and other digital employees and security persons working in and or also applying to the United States for such visas, and if they are better and more secure and lawful, I want my wives and their attourneys to file suit against the US State Department for failing to encourage the US to be the leader in those sectors with the most capable and secure female digital employees and digital engineering females on the entire planet.
    We have a very large electronic and digital wsrfares budget and it appears that Portugal seems to offer something to the Lawful workers of the digital industry and or visas that would allow that possibly to be had and achieved here in the United States and utilized by the civilian and military and other cross over digital industries roles.

  2. According to Wion (This News Network). Since 2001 China gained 120 Trillion in wealth and became the richest country in the world. Wion also reported that India lost 45 Trillion (A world record loss by a country).

    Wion: At $514 trillion, China overtakes US in terms of amassing the biggest net worth

    Gravitas: How Britain Looted $45 Trillion From India


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