Home Real Estate YOU WIN SOME, YOU LOSE SOME | Tiny House Renovation and Olive Harvesting

YOU WIN SOME, YOU LOSE SOME | Tiny House Renovation and Olive Harvesting

YOU WIN SOME, YOU LOSE SOME | Tiny House Renovation and Olive Harvesting

In this week’s video I’m investigating if I can bring the tiny house stone work back to it’s former glory.

We’re also harvesting our olives (whilst having fun along the way!) and Victoria attempts to make some olive oil!

Please LIKE THIS VIDEO if you enjoy it & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more!

Also say hi in the comments, I would love to hear from you.

Ricky x

#tinyhouse #harvesting #portugal



  1. Hi Ricky,
    I am originally from Sussex but now living on Turkeys south west med coast, we too have been
    Olive harvesting these last few days in warm sunshine. What a wonderful life we now have, we also use the same harvesting tools.
    Enjoy your harvest.

  2. ciao Ricky I think that granite is beautiful but it is also extremely closed to the passage of steam, so an interior plaster without a mixture of cement and hygroscopic can do a lot of good for the indoor environment. however, we have not yet isolated the wall. if we also want to improve the thermal insulation, we can work with thermo plaster or hygroscopic and capillary active panels (io penso che il granito sia bellissimo ma è anche estremamente chiuso al passaggio del vapore, quindi un intonaco interno senza miscele di cemento e igroscopico può fare molto bene all'ambiente interno. però ancora non abbiamo isolato la parete. se vogliamo anche migliorare l'isolamento termico, possiamo lavorare con termointonaco o pannelli igroscopici e attivi capillarmente)

  3. I would suggest not giving up on the pointed stone feature wall. It adds texture to otherwise bland space if it is all rendered. If you continue with the cleaning and repointing in between stones it will look much better. Over time you can slowly continue to chip away at the worst of the old sloppy cement spots. When it is satisfactory you can paint it with pva glue (wood glue) diluted 5:1 or so which will keep the surface cleaner and lock in the particles of stone that would shed otherwise. Test first. I have similar granite stone walls I'm working on, and the rogue cement spots are not terrible when the rest is neat and pointed.

  4. Having fun along the way is what its all about !! great video ! I wonder with the wall if you put up studding and boarded it out if you cut picture frames to reveal some of the original stone work ! if you get what I mean !!

  5. Congratulations on your creative approach to your videos that differentuate you from what has become a crowded space – the Portugal off-grid/homestead/farm community. I do love many of the other aforementioned channels too, but many doing the same take on just about everything is getting a bit tedious – with some notable exceptions.
    Damn about that careless concreting of the beautiful stone walls in your tiny house. I hope you find a workable solution. It would be sooooo sad to have to cover them all up.

  6. had something similar in an old house in France, the wire brush your using with the drill will not work. if you want to go down that avenue you will need to get the heavy duty one for an angle grinder and attack the stubborn stuff with a sds plus attachement for your big drill. Personally I would cover all the internal walls with a lime mortar. this will actually breath and you won't get signs of damp

  7. Well that was fun. It’s a shame about the concrete on the stone walls, but will that be used as accommodation? If so, just keep part of a wall as a feature and cover the rest? Really lovely video again. Cant wait for the next one. 🌸🌈🐨

  8. Love your channel! Theo got help from Nick of “Project Portugal”. Nick was a mason in England. He probably would be a good source of advice. Also Kiley and Guy from “ Make Do Grow” are working on their house, they use lime plaster for their house and just did a lime/hemp plaster room in their house. Good luck on your project!

  9. Sounds like it's not a year for olives. I just watched The Newbies channel & their olives had little holes in them, the Olive Fruit Fly ruined their crop. Good luck next year!

  10. Thar was fun to watch. I learned something new today. Hoping the best for your tiny home walls. Knowing you, you'll figure it out Ricky. Don't beat yourself up over it. Good harvesting you two.

  11. Spray one small area at a time with a 10-20% mixture of acid and water. Leave that about 10 minutes to soften the cement then brush it or hit it with a pressure washer. The acid will dissolve the cement but not the stone.
    Love your work 👍


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