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🔴 Q&A + All New Plans for 2022

🔴 Q&A + All New Plans for 2022

Grab your favourite beverage and let’s catch up! We’re talking travel plans, budgets, misadventures and more.

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Imagine finally ticking off all those experiences on your bucket list. Every Sunday, we share the inspiration and practical tips you need for enjoying your own freedom years. We’re Stephanie and Gillian, a couple who said goodbye to our corporate careers after years of saving and investing. We’ve been traveling the world full time ever since.



  1. It was really interesting to hear about your decisions regarding changing the timing of the videos – I was curious about why you make these videos. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you do – but I know it must be a ton of work, so I wanted to ask about your motivation. It seems like a big part of it is creating a community and meeting new people, also helping people – would you agree with that? Were you interested in creative endeavors or video editing before you retired as well? And not to be crass, but was making a bit of extra spending money part of your plan at all with the videos and blog, etc.? I’m just curious as I think about what retirement might look like for me. Thanks for all the hard work on your videos!

  2. Congratulations on your decision. I missed the live stream, because we are in Florence, Padua and Venice for April and May. I want to thank you for the inspiration, and allowing us into your travel lives. We traveled often pre 2020, and your adventures showed us that one could be as safe traveling abroad, or more so, as in our own province. You'll love Mexico.

  3. We began our nomadic journey last year, traveling with our two cats. We spent 6 months in San Miguel de Allende and 2 additional months on a massive road trip driving ourselves 2600 miles in Mexico. Our favorites from that were Morelia (amazing!), Guadalajara, and Puerto Vallarta. We visited the Chapala area too but it wasn't for us. This year, we took the cats on their first ever flight (in-cabin), and we a're now in Paris for a couple of months, Rouen for one and then three months in London. My wife and I are really enjoying your videos, keep up the great work! You're going to love Mexico!

  4. Hope you guys make it to Mexico City! No beach, but pretty much perfect weather year round. I thought I'd be here a month, ended up renting an apartment for a year. It really is fantastic here. Most expats I meet are shocked at how awesome it is and I hear "I just couldn't leave…" all the time. It's SUPER dog friendly here, like special menus for dogs at restaurants level friendly. And a hot air balloon ride over Teotihuacan is one of the best things I've ever done. Have fun at the beach!

  5. Hi, thanks for the update / Q@A , sorry I could not watch the live. I have been following your channel almost since the beginning of your travels, when I was researching the FIRE movement. I have enjoyed the once a week/ 10 min max format a lot. I have a tendency to stop following travel vloggers who post vlogs longer than 20 minutes, because I just lose patience. I can understand your desire to do something different (and indeed the videos maybe do lack details on experiencing a destination), but I would still advise you to keep them under 20 minutes, and better still around 15… Enjoy your time in Canada and enjoy Mexico! Corina

  6. Hi! I watched your videos from Serbia and you stood just next to my apartment building when you recorded one of those talks. This world is so small. 🙂

  7. Good choice with Puerto Escondido! I've never been there, but I've been to the city of Oaxaca, and I've heard that part of the coast is beautiful. Also, smart move avoiding the humid east coast.

  8. Ummm, should I take it personally that you are finally getting to Mexico now that we're heading to Europe for the next 4-5 months??? We just left Mexico with our new shiny Permanent Residency cards in hand with plans to return to SMA (again) in October. Very sad we'll miss you. I hope you love the country.

    Are you in touch with Skip and Dian? They're FIRE nomad friends who have been in Puerto Escondido for a few months. Let me know if you'd like me to connect you.

    A word of warning about Merida. It was SOOOOOOO hot starting in late March. Like "do not leave the house between 12 and 4pm" hot.

    Congrats on going to a video every other week. With the world opening up, I found it hard to be home working on videos when it was finally time to play. No regrets about going to one a month for us. I hope you find your sweet spot. We're still working on ours.

    Thanks for the GWL FB group shout-out. Lots of us in SMA at all times!

  9. Always look forward to where your heading. We crossed paths in Antalya and we’re in New York right now! Not to far from you . We’re planing to go to Cancun in Sept, so we’ll miss you. We’re planning to head to Bali in Jun via Singapore, Look forward to hearing more about your travels, stay well and safe,

  10. My husband and I just returned from six months in Mexico. You guys are going to love it. The people are so kind and friendly. We spent one month in San Miguel and really liked it. We splurged on an expensive Airbnb, at least for us, and it really added a lot to our enjoyment there. We didn’t make it to Puerto Escondido but were just a bit further south in Huatulco where we spent three months enjoying the beautiful beaches there. I can’t wait to see your videos from Mexico.

  11. Thanks for the update, and for sharing your big news! I was missing your weekly video updates, but totally understand your reasoning and will look forward to longer video updates in the future. Also looking forward to your annual budget video in two weeks, since I was curious about other expenses that weren’t included in your monthly budget updates. Mexico has lots to offer, and It will be fun to see where your travels take you. Enjoy the rest of your time in Canada, and safe travels!

  12. Missed the live version but did see the recap. It was interesting to here about your changes in insurance and also your decision to become Canadian residents again. We too were living overseas before recently retiring and had weighed the residency issue. It is more of a Canadian issue but would like to hear your thoughts on pros and cons. We've been looking at BCAA's yearly travel medical insurance as a reasonable option (for our age). Looking forward to seeing your "Full Budget" episode. Coincidently, we'll be travelling to Mexico in a few weeks as well.

  13. I have been to both San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato. Guanajuato is a bigger and more things to do and see. The places are only about an hour and 30 minutes apart. So, you can easily enjoy both. However, look at info. on Guanajuato also. Here is a comparison video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNQGlhslxtA Have you thought of going to Colombia? It is a close trip from Mexico, beautiful, diverse, and economical. There is a lot to see and one of our favorite travel places to visit. We love Medellin, the coffee triangle, and Cartagena and Santa Marta. They also have really nice Caribbean Islands of Providencia and San Andres.

  14. You are going to the best country in the world! Mexico is a travelers heaven. We spent 6 months overlanding the country. Please get off the beaten path. PE is cool but so much cool stuff to see in the state of Oaxaca. The Yucatán was our least favorite part of Mexico. Guanajuato is a MUST!! We are in Ecuador now -we drove here from Florida, slowly with our three dogs. Please hit me up if I can assist in any way.

  15. Puerto Escondido 😜 It is probably the most touristy place in all of Mexico LOL My suggestion is you also visit other cities in the state of Guanajuato – besides San Miguel de Allende – Leon and the city of Guanajuato itself are amazing. I would also not miss a boat tour of Sumidero Canyon (spectacular) in Chiapas and if you get a chance a food tour in Puerto Vallarta by beautiful Bandera Bay is also a great experience 🙂 Last but not least, Mexico City is definitely worth a visit, a lot to see there including the Mayan pyramids. If I may suggest Guatemala as well, it was my last trip pre pandemic and having traveled to 65+ countries – Guatemala rates as one of the most underrated destinations, Lake Atitlan is simply spectacular!! Just my $0.02 😁 Love following all your travels! I will be FIRE in 2024 and plan to be a traveling nomad as well!

  16. Looking forward to a little longer content of your travels. I am glad you have chosen Mexico for your next adventure. I think you did the intelligent and sensitive thing by staying clear of the Baltic situation.
    On another note; have you ever gone to Beliz, or have you thought of it as a destination?

  17. In Mexico at the moment, leaving Tuesday. Been here since mid-January. Mexico is fine but it is getting HOTTER than HELL now!! We are from Minneapolis and this is just waaaay to hot for us. Extremely humid too. I think it’s only going to get hotter too. So, I hope you guys can handle it. We leave here and head to Europe for about 6 months. Enjoy Mexico

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