Home Real Estate 2022 Holiday Party | Practice Portuguese

2022 Holiday Party | Practice Portuguese

2022 Holiday Party | Practice Portuguese

Christmas has come and gone, but the Holiday Party is just getting started! Rui and Joel celebrate the holiday season with video submissions from our Instagram contest, with some hot wine mixed in for good measure.

A special guest will draw the winner (or two?) to find out who wins a free Practice Portuguese Premium subscription!

Obrigado to everyone who participated, as well as to all of our Premium members for supporting us for yet another year. Special shoutout to Regina Pinheiro Studio for the amazing holiday decorations!

(We’re launching this episode a few days later than planned, but we’ve got a VERY good excuse, which I’m sure we’ll reveal some day soon…)

☝️ Caption translations (subtitles) available! Just push “CC” button to follow along so you don’t miss a thing.

🇵🇹 Learn European Portuguese With Native Speakers! 🇵🇹


🚀 Visit if you want to learn European Portuguese with us!



📺 Podcast Episodes:


Master these phrases and thousands more at with interactive lessons for all learning levels, featuring pronunciation practice and video clips recorded by natives from all over Portugal.


To help you practice everything you learn in the context of realistic conversations, you’ll find hundreds of 1-2m audio “Shorties” for all learning levels and areas of interest – always with synchronized transcripts and translations when you need them. Our “Smart Review” flashcards use spaced repetition to help you master all the vocabulary and expressions you learn throughout the platform, so you’re ready to actually use them in real conversations in Portugal.

🔸Learn with audio and video clips of native speakers from all over Portugal.
🔸No annoying upsells or expensive packages. Simply Become a Member at a reasonable monthly rate, and you’ll have instant access to the entire platform across all your devices.
🔸Complete learning system suitable for all levels. Start right from the basics or jump directly to more specialized content as you need it, e.g., Buying a House, Opening a Bank Account and much more.
🔸The “Speaking” tool lets you analyze your pronunciation for accuracy.
🔸The Smart Review tool with spaced repetition ensures you master all the vocabulary you’re learning.
🔸Audio and video dialogues, with synchronized transcriptions that scroll as you listen.
🔸Complete English translations, comprehension quizzes and vocabulary lists.
🔸Hundreds of 1-2 minute audio “Shorties” to help you learn the language with the topics that are directly relevant to your goals and interests.


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Practice Portuguese is for the European Portuguese learner who wants to take the next step towards improving their listening and speaking skills. Don’t worry if you can’t understand everything at first. Just keep listening and your comprehension will improve with each episode.

🇵🇹 A melhor forma de aprender uma língua é ser exposto a diálogos da vida real com pessoas nativas dessa língua. Practice Portuguese é para estudantes de português europeu que procuram dar o próximo passo em conversação e compreensão oral.

#PracticePortuguese #EuropeanPortuguese #PortugueseListeningPractice



  1. Mesmo na Coréia, gosto da harmonia da comida doce e salgada. É um pão comprei de viajem de quadra natalícia não sei se nome certo, mas acho que é filo. Estava delisioso Feliz ano novo!!

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