Home Real Estate 2yr’s Off Grid Update – Lessons Learned Living Off-Grid in Portugal – Life Reimagined

2yr’s Off Grid Update – Lessons Learned Living Off-Grid in Portugal – Life Reimagined

2yr’s Off Grid Update – Lessons Learned Living Off-Grid in Portugal – Life Reimagined

Bom dia everyone! We are back to give our two year update. It’s crazy – I cannot believe it has been two years already! Thank you to everyone for following our journey so far. You support has really helped us through. 😘

In this video we go over what we’ve setup since we last popped up in your feed, and we go over all of the systems and tools we’ve setup in the last two years now they are all working perfectly. We talk about irrigation, water tanks, boreholes, electronics, solar power, and the importance of having backup systems! 💪🏼 We held off showing some of this pieces before as we wanted to make sure we were 100% happy with the solution first.

If you’re thinking about living off-grid in Portugal then our most important lesson is: invest in things that remove stress. Put the irrigation on timers, get good power monitoring/alarms setup for the solar system, over invest in power/water capacity where possible and buy quality parts/tools. The worst thing about living off-grid is the stress. It took us two years to finally get to a place where we aren’t constantly monitoring and worrying about everything and we are so much happier because of it. Hopefully watching this video you can avoid this and plan/budget/purchase for the right things right away 🙂

What tools and equipment we use:
Find a list of everything in this video at
Top tip: Save 100 euros on orders over 500 euros with code BLUETTILCR100 at



  1. So nice to have an update..to know where you are at in this unexpected bend on your road… Live happens, it's better to make comfy and enjoy while you are at it..and we can see you did just that. It shows you are enjoying what live is trowing at you. I hope you'll have good news soon.

  2. Great to have an update! We've loved following your progress as we're hopefully buying somewhere close by very soon. Looking forward to the next update and good luck with the planners!

  3. So much progress. You're doing great! And it's good to hear you have the borehole connected. I was very surprised when you flashed a quick image of a pool …??!! I scrolled through the other vids and can't remember anything about a pool, so that would be really interesting to hear about. I'm also very curious that you have decided being off-grid is not for you long term. I'd love to hear more about that in a future episode.

  4. Great to see that you are still upbeat and "glass-half-full" despite the knock-backs you had regarding planning permission etc. I agree with you regarding tools that make your life easier but, for me, the BEST tools you both have are your resilience and your positive outlook. With those tools, you can achieve ANYTHING . . . . :).

  5. You have made some great additions to the land – it looks great!
    Did you say at the start that you had to connect to mains electricty anyway to power your borewell pump? If you have mains, are you tempted to install and air conditioner for the summer?


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