You better Feed Your Cat… or else the Hungry Lamu is gonna show you why he’s called the Pizza Freak in this episode of 3 Scary Games!
GO! ►►
MORE Scary Games ►
Edited By LIXIAN ►
Hungry Lamu ►
The Pizza Freak ► SUSPENDED?!?
Feed Your Cat ►
Horror Outro ►
The first thing that came in my mind when lamu died was "RIP Bozo"
can someone tell me why was i actually scared in his intro?
I love how Mark was hesitant to kill the dog in the first game, but want to kill the cat without any.
Play Suffer The Night
Pizza Freak….made no sense. Is there any lore behind this?
20:05 the voice sounds almost like freddy fazbear or golden freddy lol
the dark pictures anthology qte sound at 13:17 caught me so off guard 😭
Do a replay of hungry lamu when you try to find the car at the start and smash it
Aka ending 2
mark: "i am a completeist, i need to get all the endings!"
also mark: does not get the other ending for hungry lamu
i just realized mark does 3 scary games because he has so many games on his list to play, and so this is how he gets through them in bulk, smart.
marky barky 123
This is amazing, mark gets sad over the dog, but sledge hammers the cat 😂
I don’t like Lamu 😰
I love how that first game felt so Slenderman-like. I've been missing Slenderman games.
Want to say this isn’t the end… only the beginning, sigh
Whoever is reading this I hope you have a blessed day and I hope you have a great rest of the year
I have almost heart attack
For sure. This is Fnaf and youtube is correct.
I had my headphones on full blast that skeleton jumps are was just rude
Perfect watch for a spooky October night
Cherry Bushes: Am I a joke to you?
Lamu you murderer 😭
Are we all going to ignore the fact that it said "tastes" like poison??
He assumed I was judging him about using the hammer inappropriately when I literally thought that as soon as I saw it… should I be admitting that? 🤔