Want to see more of that injector? Have a look at this video on the @Precious Plastic channel
And here you can download the model of the sockets
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Whoop,whoop the shit of off grid 😂
Vocês são incríveis…um abraço daqui do Brasil 🇧🇷
Its so nice what you do! Thank your =)
Portugal !!!! The paradise for foreneirs and hell for nationals… just so unfair…
Jesus you fuck around with everything. Even 1:42 to screw in one bolt you use some wood. Make a socket in half hour thats really great. All the tools used, huh thats really ecological, to waste so much effort, time and material to create 20 socket covers in a day.
If people worked this way, we'd still be riding horses.
Danke für das Teilen. Ihr könnt so viele qualitative Arbeiten! Ich bewundere Euch jungen Menschen!❤️
No dudes.. Preserve wood.. Take Borax.. Same stuff you use for clothes and wet wood with Borax, let dry..bugs won't touch it.
I nearly fainted when you said "paint the floor"! I thought you were going to actually paint the wood! Looks great!
Wow. Looks great. Enjoy!
hi! CRITICAL! Hey! You have to have something separating cement and wood! you can use berchbark if you dont want to use tarp! pleace
Is there a plan to paint the outside ? To make it a little nicer to look at ..
Please consider using spacers on the metal sheathing around the wood stove. Allow air behind the metal. More than one cm is a must. The metal then can cool. The way it is, the metal may overheat and burn your wall.
what a bunch of guys great workman ship
K guay Preciosa casa
Where is this place?
Adriano looks like Paolo Nutini's keyboard player.
See you in the next season! thanks guys!
You have all created such a cool space. Lots of good ideas I'm inspired by. Thankyou🙂
Nice work 👍🏻
to assistindo isso desde o inicio e so melhora
Please do a video during the winter with snowfall…does it snow there? Love what yall are doing and it inspire me and my family to document projects we do on our 5 acres in Texas. We are trying to become self sufficient with our small farm with chickens, goats, and hopefully soon, pigs. Can't wait for the spring to see what yall do with the new towne center!
Poot women=((( she will have bug problems later in life=((
next season y’all should consider smaller more frequent episodes or more streamlined storytelling in the videos. big fan but i do be skipping forward a lot
Why nog isolation underneath the floor?
Thanks for the videos, great season. Really respect you guys taking a break between seasons, such a thing to do to have a pattern over the year (but I’ll miss the videos over the winter! 😂)
Plastic is evil! It should be banned globally!
Say shoe shoe ghi bonn
Hmmm…..things to make out of recycled plastic bits….
Mixing bowls
Mixing spoons/ladles
Hat visors
Washers for nuts-n-bolts
Assemble-Them-Yourself Spindles for deck railings
Flower pots
Hallo vrienden uit mijn buurland, Ik heb een vraag: Is het gebruikelijk dat je geen contactgeluidisolatie onder de houten constructie en montagestrips voor vloeren aanbrengt? In dit geval zou een compriband voldoende zijn geweest om trillingen van het lopen op de vloer te compenseren en onnodige hinderlijke geluiden te elimineren. Is dat in Nederland niet gebruikelijk of wordt het niet geleerd tijdens de opleiding tot timmerman?
Groeten van je buurman, pal aan de grens ten oosten van je 😉
4:00 as far as I know it needs to contain PFAS. Otherwise it might cache on fire!🔥😳
no iso??
Fantastic work all of you, you're my favorite YouTube channel by far, I'll miss you all this winter.
Stay cozy (especially Dave and Rita – no pressure eh 😉)
Oh, if there's a link to where you can buy the PP wall sockets, let me know. I start work on my own 'sketchy ruin' in the spring, and would love to use some.
Enjoyed this season very much. So many young people with some great skills and talent. Looking forward to the next year.
Hey guys amazing work it looks amazing!
But I just wanted to check whether the threaded rod you used was zinc coated or stainless steel or galvanised steel?
So thrilled to have started watching this awesome channel earlier this year! Can't wait for next season – you guys are fantastic!!