Home Real Estate 900k Sub Celebration! Celebrate with Us!


  1. Your bookcase reminds me of my parents' bookcase — shelves and shelves filled with travel guide books to almost every country. =) Edit: This is comment 90 on the 900k subs video!

  2. Mark, your old video of phrases to learn when visiting Paris helped me get around Paris in 2019. I used every phrase you suggested we memorize. So besides enjoying your videos I have used your helpful tips. I hope to one day bump into you while on a travel adventure. Congratulations on 900K!

  3. I stumbled upon your videos while going down the rabbit hole while watching videos about history. Love to watch them, we have been many times to South America but hoping to visit Europe next year. I wanted to just say, as having lived in Lima for 4 years, I felt like you missed so much on what to do and what not to do. Everybody goes to Peru to see Machu pichu, and they skip all the cool things in and around Lima that’s not Miraflores.

  4. Thanks for all you do! I am an adult special needs teacher in the south Chicago suburbs and I use your videos almost weekly. You are our go-to travel and food guides for our visit to other states and other countries and we appreciate you bot taking the time to share your journeys! My wife and I have recently/finally got to where we are able to travel more then we have for many years and look forward to having as much fun as you all. You guys are awesome!!!

  5. Congrats, Mark! I only came across your chanel like 2 weeks ago – really impressed by how informative and yet brief your comments are, extremely respectful to all places and communities you discuss, way to go! Greetings from Bulgaria! Boris

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