Home Immigration A day in the Life on our Off Grid Homestead in Portugal. Working remotely & caring for 1.5 Acres 🌱

A day in the Life on our Off Grid Homestead in Portugal. Working remotely & caring for 1.5 Acres 🌱

A day in the Life on our Off Grid Homestead in Portugal. Working remotely & caring for 1.5 Acres 🌱

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Beijinos e abraços,
Carissa, Iwan, Frankie & Albi

Carissa, Iwan & Frankie decided one night over a bottle of wine that moving from North Wales to Portugal would be a good idea. Within a month they were on the road to Portugal to find the perfect piece of land to call their new home. We picked up Albi the cat along the way. Subscribe to follow our journey as we turn an old stone barn into our home, and learn the ropes of looking after a piece of land to make an abundant garden and one day, our very own winery.



  1. Thank you for the great video, loved the ‘a day in the life’ format, maybe you could do one each season say Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter showing how routines change? All the best, you’re doing great.

  2. Your foraged herbal tea included Rosemary, thyme, lavender, rose petals, chamomile flowers and then some leaves I couldn't identify! – nettles? balsam? marjoram? I'm extremely intrigued

  3. Hey guys love following your channel and I look forward to new content every week. You were asking about doing a fast compost pile and I remember seeing it done on another channel that I follow. It’s The Gardening Channel with James Prigioni out of New Jersey. He does nothing but gardening videos here on utube and he has a couple videos dedicated to composting. Check him out as he is a great wealth of knowledge and fun to watch with his dog Tuck. Have a good day and all the best 🇨🇦👍

  4. Nice vlog.Your chickens look nice and healthy, are they laying well. I saw you collecting a few eggs. The property is lovely and green, I guess everything is starting to grow. What vegetables will you be planting this season? The cane baskets really stand out with your new walls, very nice.

  5. Hi there Carissa and Iwan thanks for sharing your vlogs I look forward to seeing how you are doing feel rather jealous but I'm so pleased that you both are living your dream, don't waste time on thinking shall we do something or not you only live once so enjoy, as a mum both of my children I have encouraged them to live their dreams take care 😊

  6. Like your videos, and am thinking about maybe doing the same, buying a piece of land in Portugal.
    But my biggest question, how do you get an income?
    What types of jobs do you have so you can work via internet/online?

  7. Quick compost 1/3 manure, 1/3 greens (kitchen scraps weeds), 1/3 brown (straw etc) keep covered and turn with a garden fork everyday, compost should be viable in 2 weeks. To change up your cous cous it’s great to add lemon juice, mint and sultanas as well❤️✨

  8. What a lovely day and what a lovely lifestyle. You work very hard but hard work gives you an appreciation of things. You are so rich in many ways and its wealth that money can't buy! You've earned it and deserve it.

  9. I've heard you speaking about finding Albi in the road, and choosing to keep her. I think I remember a video where you spoke of the black kitten as a visitor, and yet now it is sleeping in the cabin at night. Has it wormed itself totally into your family, and does it have a name? Thanks for your videos. Collecting your lawn trimmings, fallen leaves, etc, into a longer term compost will help you in the long run. Keeping it dampish, and regularly turning will help it compost more quickly.

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