Location: Albufeira
Date: Saturday 04/12/2021
Location: Albufeira
Coordinates: 37.09° N
08.23° W
Population: 20,000 – Town
44,000 – Municipality
Temperature: 17°C
Start Time: 16:33 WET
Information bars at the bottom of the screen:
– Temperature (Degrees Celsius)
– Elevation/Height above sea level (Metres)
– Road/Street
– Latitude, Longitude. In the search box of an app, enter these coordinates. This will take you to the exact location.
Apps used: My Elevation
Google Earth
Websites used: – Climate data
– Statistics Portugal
00:00 – Globe intro
00:20 – Jardim municipal de Albufeira
04:22 – Av. Sá Carneiro
24:02 – R. Ramalho Ortigão
30:07 – Praia da Oura
Useful websites:
Albufeira Nightlife
Hi ! This really amazing place . New sub + Bell 🤩
This seems to be a very amazing place, I hope I can visit sometime in the future when all this is over. Seeing and sharing places like this is why I love traveling and make videos so much! And please keep up the great job! Subscribed!!
Nice video!i love it!groetjes from the netherlands
I lived there for 20 years from when i was 10 years old till i was 30!75 % still looks the same!