Home Real Estate American Couple React "What $1 Million Real Estate Looks Like In 25 Countries"

American Couple React "What $1 Million Real Estate Looks Like In 25 Countries"

American Couple React "What $1 Million Real Estate Looks Like In 25 Countries"

American Couple React “What $1 Million Real Estate Looks Like In 25 Countries” | The Demouchets REACT

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  1. Hi great content…I enjoyed ur videos.
    I'm from South Africa🇿🇦 and yes a $1 million dollars is R16 Million South African Rand which is a real luxury lifestyle which can afford you to live in golf estates..equestrian estates..buy 4 mansions…live a happy and sweet life.
    Please do a reaction of Geography Now South Africa 🇿🇦 🙏 .
    One Love and God bless.
    Also please come visit Home🌍✊❤
    Here's the link to Geography now South Africa:

  2. Nobody wants to live in big houses anymore unless you have lots of children. We used to live in a big house, now we live in a 2-bed 2-bath townhouse. Much more manageable and easy to take care… and easy access to town. You can walk, or bike there… We also have gone into minimalist way of living. Less is more. Got rid of stuff that we don't need. There are only 3 things we need in life: Good health, good food and good company.

    It all depends on the area as the others mentioned… location, location, location. Take care 😍

  3. The million dollar prices for these (leasehold) apartments is nothing if you can afford the service charges that go with them. Those gyms etc aren't free. In addition to your property taxes.
    Some of the smaller European properties are central on large cities. Look at prices in central Dallas or Houston. You also don't need a car. You couldn't afford a car in central London. $20 a day just for having a car that you can't park anywhere (the average rate for London is £11 per HOUR.
    Large amounts of square footage are fine ,until you have to clean and heat all that redundant space. Many of those larger units were on more gentle climates.I've noticed that US realtors are very big on square footage whilst European ones are perhaps more location fixated. Interesting difference in what makes a house valuable.
    Once you get out of the flash cities it's much better. Just down the road from me $1000000 gets a 6 bed 4 bath gated house with a large garden. It's 20 minutes by train to the city centre of Birmingham and around 2 hours to central London.
    It's made of stone and brick and has operating infrastructure (looking at you Texas).

  4. So glad you have not made a royal propaganda video saying that a 96-year-old richest powerful privileged woman that you don’t know has died and how upset you are by it .they makes me want to vomit

  5. Come to my country, for 200k you build your own villa with a pool. Also for me, more than 2 bedrooms it is to much, it is a waste of space which you have to clean. I'm saying this being a father and not living alone..

  6. That 1 bed 1 bath London apartment … you laughed over the part where it's a hundred years older than the USA's first colony. If the area is from the 1500s then it doesn't matter what other people want, you won't be knocking down 500 year old buildings to build big modern homes. There also simply isn't any available room in the middle of London to build big houses. There's a reason many have washing machines in their kitchens and no closets – limited building space relative to desired location.
    The original video is very biased and is only looking at buildings in major city centers, not out in the suburbs where I personally prefer. Also don't forget the exchange rate since $1 mil USD is $1.64 mil New Zealand. 1 mil NZ will currently get you a reasonable 3 bedroom suburban home. But the price has changed so drasticly in the last 5 years that doesn't mean much. Everything got way more expensive.

  7. What!? That home in Switzerland was a little small!? At 2885 square feet / 268 Square meters!?

    It's about 240 sq ft smaller than ours, and we think ours is rather large.

    Your country's home are nuts when it comes to size. Or, maybe it's just a matter of different perspectives. Still, does make you think a bit.

  8. Most properties in the UK are relatively small compared to yours. The average size for us is only 818 square feet. This is generally because we have a lot of what are known as 2 up 2 down houses. These are terraced houses with literally what it says – a kitchen and living room downstairs and 2 bedrooms up stairs. As they are usually older properties they weren't built with a bathroom so these are often built on to the kitchen at the back.

  9. The London apartment is literally smack bang in the centre so you do not get much for your money. If you come further out to suburban London it gets much better My 3 bedroom 1 bathroom terraced house is valued at £600k Around the outer edge of zone 6 1 million will get you a 4 bedroom detached property in some areas. Its all about location.

  10. Can't speak for the rest of the world but don't except assigned parking spaces in European cities. New builds yes, but most city centres are old. Street parking only, first come, first served. No huge parking lots either.

  11. Any one in some sort of shelter in Vancouver is hanging on to it for dear life!!! Rents are atrocious there's a lot of renovictions ( landlord renovates ) you may have been promised your unit back but oh hey you have a dog, sorry but the new owners need a pet deposit now can't afford that? …too bad or some other excuse to get you out. It's a nightmare…top it off investors from other countries bought a whole lot of real estate here and muddied the water's. They don't rent to locals or use them as tax shelters. Many are empty, some even connected to illegal activities like money laundering….allegedly. China especially invests here. Government has started taxing or put some sort of fee to these types of real estate reason if it's going to stay empty the owner can help mitigate homelessness by contributing monies to help with the problem. So far it dosen't seem to be working too well.

  12. Vancouver was right in the middle of downtown and depending on when this vid was made could be priced higher now. We live in Port Coquitlam just a transit ride away from there, we live in a old farming area that was once separate small city now almost a sub-burb of Vancouver. Down our main street couple of blocks away a small 900 sq. foot 1.2 mil, run down on a double lot. Vancouver is too expensive to live and everyone is looking for a place to live and ZERO vaccancy rates for rent. Huge for Canada homeless population. Personally we do not recomend Vancouver go further out for cheaper places, that being said you got alot for that Vancouver penthouse. Drop a vehicle and use the awesome transit that connects you to just about everything you want ( including sky train and bus and ferries) that can get you to Vancouver Island. Still that is WAY out of our price range.

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