Factors that include soaring real estate prices across the country, an increasingly strong dollar, and political strife at home are combining to drive an increasing number of Americans to flee the country and purchase homes in Europe, specifically countries of southern Europe like Italy, Spain and Portugal. A recent Bloomberg piece highlighted three stories of Americans who have chosen this route, and the compelling reasons that led them to pick up and transport themselves and their families across the Atlantic.
Jimmy and America’s comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the advantages and disadvantages of becoming ex-patriots.
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You want to live in a city jimmy? Come to Detroit they'll sell you a house for $15,000… Anybody interested in living in the city I'll sell you as many homes as you want for $20,000
Get out ya cowards. Get out and when the working people take over don't come back ya buncha spineless punks.
Man those ppl are going to buck on the Americans living there. I say tht but I would love to live in Greece.
If you are coming to Ireland, leave your woke shit on the airplane.
Btw, these 20k houses in little European villages have a whole ream of gotchas and rules on top of buying them. That is why a lot of rich Europeans don't buy them, if it's too good to be true, it is
What about Europeans who wanna move stateside! Impossible, you only allow people who rock up illegally to stay. I do think Americans romanticise Europe we have a lot of problems here.
if you are fleeing to "Europe" it should be to Eastern Europe as Western Europe is going the same way as the US – slowly being swamped by immigrants
What’s going on in Europe is that most of the countries there have terminal demographics and HIGH taxes
Just do NOT come to the Netherlands, wr are suffering suffocation…
Fools thats all i can say. Greetings from Europe.
Fucking cowards . Stay and fight
Those countries had terrible lockdowns and draconian leaders during Cvd19.
France does have really good food, especially their breakfasts. But Greece has the best food and is my favorite, especially the island of Santorini. You and Steph should go sometime, Jimmy. I confess, my mom is Greek, and I have family in Greece, so I'm a bit biased, but it's still a fantastic place!
also prostitution is legal in many of these countries
He's one of us on the bus.
I’d avoid countries in the EU. I’m thinking about Russia tbh.
Locals will HATE them. Go gentrify elsewhere

Are you Americans realy that naive? Do you think living in Sicily is a good idea for a complette stranger? And by the way, Sicily is a complette coruppt region of Italy where the Mafia is in charge (basicly a failed state)!
Mexico too and they are upset that the Americans won’t speak Spanish. Shoe is on the other foot. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!
I'd pick Croatia or Czech Republic.
God I wish.
French are snooty.
In Sicily, if the Mafia knows you have money, you'll be kidnapped.
They won't afford gas and food.
Similar to all the celebs who left the country when Trump got elected, except people now are actually doing it.
No it's rich people moving there not normal people
illiterate usmericans might. No idea of reality, fancy, cloudy beliefs? Seems familiar, is that it? Wake up.
You can buy a nice home in Atlanta for $270000
You can literally buy a house for 1 dollar in Sicily because they are losing population drastically.
Don't read stupid articles.
I've lived in Italy, Ireland, and Iceland. Loved all those countries, but no one does it like the Italians.
Most my friends are looking at Mexico.
Yeah, well, people who flee (if they aren't refugees) are notoriously beneficiaries of the very thing they are fleeing.
Yes! Please leftists, Europe was made for you! Go! Go! Go!
1.05M subscribers
Traitors. They don’t deserve America anyway. Let them experience the social tyranny of EU.
Europe is Fucked Jummy …. If USA is fucked once, Europe is fucked 100 times!!!
a flight from amsterdam to italy is about two hours I think.
Americans stay and fix this garbage. We need to vote out these out of touch 70 yr old neoliberal politicians who only serve their conservative donors. No more biden and trump puppets. Let's get someone with courage for a change.
Americans stay and fix this garbage. We need to vote out these out of touch 70 yr old neoliberal politicians who only serve their conservative donors. No more biden and trump puppets. Let's get someone with courage for a change.
EXCELLENT !! Is there some marketing plan we can implement that would persuade ALL Leftists, Socialists, Marxists ,ANTIFAs to move there ?????
So, now they'll drive housing costs thru the roof in Europe, too.
From what I'm getting, Europe isn't any better with people like Klaus Schwab running the show. I think more people are going to Malaysia and Asian countries.
The image about France is not accurate. Some can be a bit aloof, but there are really nice people as well. I have had great times when I was travelling in France, and I was primarily in Paris.
Yes, only the conforteble can move! Narcists.
How many of them voted Blue and Bailed?
Nonsense. Opression is across the Empire so moving to Europe where teh derangement is just as high as in the USA is a useless exercise which will achieve nothing