Despite censorship, videos shared online show growing desperation and anger at prolonged Covid-19 lockdowns in China’s economic capital of Shanghai, where officials are trying to solve issues including food shortages while doubling down on the country’s strict pandemic policy. Photo Composite: Emily Siu
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You can make the whole city of Seattle light up if you paid enough Freemasons I can make my town look loud like that too because there's a Freemason on every block come on America get you a distilled water machine and drink distilled water to get that s*** off your pineal gland so wake up America wakeupamerica wake up before is way way way too late
Control Control Control! They take these people to Wearhouses packed with hundreds of other people, the showers and toilets are filthy. The lights are left on all night. They are trying to break these people mentally. I'm in Texas and I tell you people are going about like normal. Of course crooked governments like mine are already rolling out the next plagues. The one thing that has helped me is my faith in God and seeing the bible unfolding before our eyes. This world is a terrible mess and your false savior will rear his ugly head soon. I'm going to request prayers today for Chinese people and Taiwan.
Chinese are the most docile people I've ever seen.
I hope this will end soon
This happens when you allow big gov
Shanghai is being shanghaied!!!
What a hopeless situation humans can creat…they feel there is no power watching .. one day they will have to pay… 🙏🙏
1:30 they shoulda went to Home Depot
"this is a conspiracy from foreign forces" sound familiar?? usa/Canada government says same thing all time when ppl fight for freedom
this is what they want for us all it's coming better stack guns and ammo to fight
Good for that lady who filmed the police breaking her door ! And good for her for not complying.
Justin Trudeau: "Write that down! Write it down!"
Blame China's made ineffective CoVID vaccine. They had to lie to its citizens saying their vaccine are great but fully knowing it pretty much does nothing. Rather then purchasing proven mRNA vaccine they are just developing their own own mRNA vaccine. So in order to avoid infection rate going up they had continue to lock down cities while the rest of the world is opening up.
Backward country….finally finished with its failure to look after its own people
unbelievable. this took place in mordern times.
What an Evil Farce!!
Virus? What virus??
It's obvious that the people in power can't get enough of this live entertainment–torturing millions and millions of their own citizens.
so many…so stupid…
Rotten food? China is really a sickening country it people are starving and it's thinking of invading Taiwan
I'm very happy with this news… Whereas all you Chinese laughing at India first made Hyperloop train.. these people said.. Indian cannot afford of traveling by Hyperloop, how dare you… India is not your satellite state, you're dealing with a great country…. Die from corona
Well, how about arresting and convicting those responsible for this man-made apocalypse? How about arresting and charging Fauci, Gates, Soros, the head of the WHO, and all those complicit in this mass genocide? Do that, and maybe, just maybe, it will work to restore the population's faith in authority. But we all know that's never going to happen, is it?
Non-scientific speculation regarding monkeypox is being used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to “justify further human rights violations” with a rollout of new, experimental vaccines, claims the World Council for Health (WCH), an independent nonprofit initiative.
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with a virus!
I bet they wish they had some guns right now.
i am recent victim of this lockdown in shanghai.. it was horrible
The CCP wants control and the WHO can't b trusted either
those people need to fight. I don't know why they don't overpower those people in the white suits they always outnumber them