Hey Everyone Stakuyi here and thank you so much for watching. Let me know in the comments below what I should so next with this as I want to do more besides just hearts of Iron 4. What Challenges do you have? And Make sure to put your comments below and join the discord.
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Can we see you for the UK but under Ireland's control not England's?
Nice Portugalicia
Kind of a bad move divorcing your cheating wife. She was your soulmate so she wasn’t gonna get new lovers, she was incestuous which isn’t too common so she wouldn’t find other family to sex and her brother/lovar litterala couldn’t produce inbred bastards. It’s basically like her sleeping with a woman except she actually is attracted to you so she gets increased fertility.
Oh no…
I don't see an upload date on this video so I think they're removing that too.
5:39 well that isn't going to last
3:56 I mean, probably. [Carlsberg jingle]
As a Portuguese I aprove this video
Im portuguese and i approve this video
man i have this game and it wont even start for me……
I am not liking my children yup that's Crusader Kings with gameplay
First time playing this I picked count Hasteinn and did a Varangian conquest on Austrias. XD
Interested in doing a grand campaign spanning multiple games? CK3-HOI4
But start somewhere hard like in Western Africa
I am portuguese
Forming Hispania with Portugal continuing this campaing would be nice
I'd love to see a Coptic run.
do pagan navarre
Did like and comment don't do erm twitch like your clock app tho
This was fun to watch. Hope to see more of these kinds of videos.
Super happy about the CK 3 content, looking forward to playing this DLC.
based ck3
Yes! Keep playing this game
Take all of Spain
Enjoyed this game play! Maybe try playing as Brittany next. Could be interesting !
Play as a Muslim ruler in Iberia, but actually manage to expand into France
The best part is our Galician brothers are part of the glorious nation. 11/10
bruuuh that mayor was so funny
As a real portuguese I love the thumbnail
Reforming the persian empire and reviving the zoroastrian faith with it would be interesting to see
You should start as Lubb, become pagan through the basque pagan desicion, and form aragon.
Best CK3 story was my son as soon as he turned 16 seduced my mother. She became pregnant and gave birth to my grandson/brother. I had my mother and son executed and I educated the grandson/brother in martial making him the best soldier in the country. He used his stats to seduce my sister and had a kid with her. So now my great grandson is also my nephew. Once the nephew grew up and had a county title he and my grandson/brother staged a revolution and deposed me. CK3 everybody!
Could you do a video of reforming the northumbria kingdom then kill all the french spanish and germans or holy roman empire
I want to see a continued game of Portugal. I'm invested in this family
In the next Ck3 video…. Do some more Holy wars, then eat the Pope!
I vote for Viking Adventure to Iberia, really complicate things by bringing Odin into the religious struggle.
Nice video
Some difficult achievement runs would be interesting
Doe Spain the take over Portugal and rebuild the western Roman empire. Take France and Italy the go after Egypt and Israel to bring better trade your way
Are you able to play the game without objectives or do you have to do the objectives? I would love to do a game I could play for days and have no specifics I need to do lol
Do a "What if Portugal won the Dutch-Portuguese war?" How to do it is making Portugal colonize the Cape, and thus have a large army so use as a defense force. Then have all the same stuff play out, Iberian Union etc. With a better prepared Portugal they would be able to kick out the Dutch from their colonies
Great video man 👍
Less crusader kings 3, more hoi4
Maybe choose the best country to start in, and then take over the world.
Play as Mongolia on HOI4 and recreate the Mongol empire
Eres un ídolo fukada-jpp.monster siempre en mi corazón,hermosa,amort,elecciones,culturales.❤️ Son unos de los mejores conciertos.
Good fun. I always like forming own religion as the head of faith with indulgences. Money for days…
Mother of us All is an achievement I like to see.
love your vids man, would be cool if you could play as a harald finehair in scandenavia
Start as Haraldr Tanglehair and create Empire of the North Sea. And another one would be bring peace to the middle east by triggering the Outremer culture melting pot event.
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