In this weeks episode we meet Agathe and Anton, a talented couple who set about building their dream tiny house. Constructed using natural materials and with bioclimatic concepts in mind, this tiny house has truly been a life-changing project.
Amorously named ‘La Petite Grain’ or ‘The Little Seed’, this tiny home was built to house the values of Agathe and Anton, who desired to live in a place which was minimalist, energy efficient, ecologically designed and of course constructed with symmetry and beauty.
Situated in France, this tiny house has been constructed using natural materials and is an efficiently built home. Both the interior and exterior have been exceptionally well designed and lovingly crafted in order to make the home not only a functional place to live but also a joy to behold.
We hope you enjoy the tour of this tiny home. You can find out more about Agathe, Anton and La Petite Grain on their website:
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Presented and Produced by: Bryce Langston
Filmed & Edited bv: Gabrielle Vnd (
Title music in this video by Bryce Langston:
‘Living Big in a Tiny House’ © 2022 Zyia Pictures Ltd
#tinyhouse #ecohome #alternativeliving
I really love what Agathe and Anton have created with this home. They definitely seem to share my love of symmetry! And so amazing is that table?! We hope you enjoy this episode. With love, Bryce & Rasa
Hola bella casita y muy bien decorada.
It is always a great video when you see owner builders on other countries living their dream according to their values! Bonus points for the cat also living the Tiny House life! Cool build, cool people, I hope French authorities adapt the rules to make this a normal way of life, free from red tape and bureaucratic interference.
Beautiful home
Very beautifully done, and colors; you are so talented.
Very pretty and no rent.
Non mais cette table, a piece of art!!! La conception et l'aménagement sont vraiment top, bravo à vous (j'espère que vous lisez les commentaires de "votre" vidéo…). Le prix est très abordable, sans doute du fait de l'autoconstruction; sauriez-vous évaluer un prix dans votre projet de construction pour autrui? Bravo encore et profitez-en bien!
Love the house and the table! I hope that Agathe and Anton will consider a furniture design business in addition to their tiny home design business. I would pay the necessary charges to purchase that table and have it shipped to Texas in a heartbeat!
Love this house
I love the design in/of this tiny house,
but that vibe is awesome! Beautiful
earth tones set in their own dimen-
sion. Quite lovely
There home is beautifully designed. I love the ceiling. Every aspect of their home is beautiful from the kitchen to the second floor. The details make such a difference in the quality of their home.
The under the radar of authorities in Europe really does a lot to squash this movement. I seriously doubt I could build something without a foundation, concrete walls, off the grid here in Denmark. Like I stated a couple building a smaller home near the metro line in Copenhagen were harassed by police for living in their camper while constructing their new home. It is like they know there is housing and pricing problems but they do not want to do anything to help people move into something that they can afford.
Like others have stated, the craftwork and woodworking skills made them a beautiful home. I would love in the future after I finish my degree to buy a coffee table like theirs!
They park this on someone else's land and don't pay rent? Someone needs to get their story straight.
I like the bedroom area…hope i build tiny house like that in future…
테이블 아이디어 대박!
okay that sounds good.
My new fave tiny house
Looks like the French have the same issues as those of us who'd love a tiny home in the UK. House prices are only going to get worse, it's time that the officials in both countries work it out and all tiny houses their place in planning law. Fabulous house and it's great to see more of 'Living big in a tiny house'
The outside storage addition is a very practical idea.
Your home inside and out is beautiful. Magnifique 
J’adore cette petite maison! This is such an incredibly well-designed house, and they really should put that table design into production – I would absolutely buy one! They both seem so happy too, which is lovely. Houses like this always make me think about what I really need around me to live my life comfortably and sustainably – there are so many excellent ideas here. Thank you so much for sharing this film!
Oh boy! I live in Drôme too…
If I make a tiny home for myself, I will ask them to do the design!
Thank you Bryce!
Just because it is not “legal” does not mean that it is necessarily frowned upon. Real estate — buildings and houses— is part of what is regarded by law as “immovable assets.” But because tiny houses arrive with permanent wheels and have no sewer lines, they are movable. So it then begs the question of whether one can claim their house address is a trailer on wheels, on land they may not own. The laws in many municipalities have simply not caught up with this. Where there are no wheels and it is permanently attached to a piece of land that can be separately owned or rented, the situation is different and increasingly permitted. Some parts of Canada are now creating areas of tiny house development, for vacation or secondary home use.
Dunno if this was mentioned 1k + comments too difficult to read through but your narrative microphone is bad. Very bad.
That table is awesome!
Stunning. So much creativity and a great example of what you can do with tiny homes. (Love that table!)
I really like the exterior.
This is probably the best one I've seen in a while. Such unique and interesting ideas!
Love the Salamander stove! We just bought The Hobbit and are in the process of installing it in our boat…which is also our home. You can really see the care and thought that was put into this design. What a lovely space you have created. Thank you for the tour!
Love the cat (and the house was pretty cool too)
So, all the cooking oils rise right through that mesh directly into your bed sheets. Yum!
What a lovely dinning/coffee table!
Love the net so much!!
Love this one so much. Everything look beautiful. It's look small from the outside but didn't feel small on the inside.
He looks like Avicii
Beautifully designed.
that dining table is amazing. I am going to research and make one one my own. Wow that is beautiful.
Again! 10/10

The couple is both soo adorable I'm fallin love with them. The design was unique and beautiful. Love this! ♥♥♥♥
That net is awesome!