Home Real Estate Cousin demands I provide him with a car & $5k when he comes to visit my country because we're family

Cousin demands I provide him with a car & $5k when he comes to visit my country because we're family

Cousin demands I provide him with a car & $5k when he comes to visit my country because we're family

Entitled cousin demands I provide him with a car & $5k when he comes to visit my country because we are family

#r/drama #r/entitledpeople #dramaking



  1. Last story: the last commentator was right in that it is your mom's responsibility to sort our her children but that doesn't mean that you should continue to support that household after you move. Make sure your mom understands this as in once you move you will not have the money to help support your household and hers. This may make your mom see your sister in a different light because she may be under the impression that you will still be contributing to the household after you leave. If possible, encourage your mom to get your sister into therapy to manage her anxiety and possible depression. Don't enable the situation by providing financial support after you move.

  2. Last story: While it's not really OP's place to get onto sister, the sister is also shitty for using her anxiety as an excuse to do absolutely nothing to contribute to the household. If her anxiety is really that bad that it's affecting her ability to work, then the least she could do is contribute in other ways such as helping out around the house while she seeks treatment for her mental health issues. If her anxiety is so bad that it's preventing her from at least helping out with housework, she should probably be in some sort of treatment on an inpatient basis but I highly doubt that's what's going on. It sounds as if she's using her condition as an excuse to do absolutely nothing. The time will come someday where she'll have no choice but to be an adult and start supporting herself, anxiety or not. Maybe I'm just too jaded and suspicious but still, she needs to be pulling her weight and getting herself to a doctor.m to treat her mental issues. I've seen so many people use their mental health issues to justify laziness.

  3. 2nd story. Heaps of holes in this story.
    1. Mother is away for 6 months No one saw her? OPs dad left her be for half a year?
    2. Grandma supposed to be sick of cancer and no one went to visit her? No one really care to see her?
    3 OP is the son of a family friend and his family didnt t know there's a pregnant woman living in their son's house for 6 months? His own kids didn't notice? How did she hide? In a cupboard?
    4 AP suddenly have a baby in the house. And no one noticed??? Why is he suddenly pushing a pram? HELLO!!!!!
    Where is OPs dad in all of this? Dulali land?

  4. Way to ruin everyones' lives with your 'Moral Majority'. You don't live your Mom's life – and it wasn't your call to push the 'detonator button' on your entire family.
    To play Devil's Advocate? Moms are held to this perfect standard of what we think they should do; how they should live, think, feel, and behave. You know what? We are people, too. It wasn't your business, and I would say that I hope it was worth it to destroy the lives of everyone who you supposedly 'love' in order to punish someone who didn't live up to your standards… But in reality? I hope you feel like crap. YTA.

  5. Story 1: EK just got a wake-up call about money and boundaries.
    Story 2: Eventually the half-sibling will find out or want to. This will come out eventually. Tell your dad and clear your conscience. People will amke their own desisions now that the secrets out.
    Story 3: Girlfriend, not wife. OP owes nothing.

  6. I have severe anxiety but the thought of being homeless gives me more anxiety than having to go to work. You're going to be nervous and anxious starting a new job but it is necessary. If the sister isn't going to school she needs to get a job. If she goes to school part time she can work part time. She is a legal adult and needs to leave the nest at some point, not sit around doing nothing productive. It doesn't even sound like she helps with chores. Mom isn't doing her any favors either but I'm hoping she's got something in the works in the background that OP just doesn't know about.

  7. OP with Mom who had another baby- first thing is to get DNA testing on all Mom's kids. This one may be the father's. The est of it is for his father to sort out. Too many commenters are telling OP what to do, as if his father is a minor child. His duty is done as soon as he showed the photo and got confirmation from the mother.

  8. Last story is absolutely NTA. I have severe anxiety and I have a remote job. I also pull my weight around the home. That includes cleaning and cooking if needed. Anxiety is not an excuse to do absolutely nothing and mooch of people.

  9. Lots of people say they have anxiety so they don’t have to do anything, I think she’s just lazy as she doesn’t do any housework and just sits on her arse all day. I bet being anxiety disappears the moment she needs to go out and play with her friends.

  10. Last story, To the YTA comment, Anxiety will not feed people or pay rent. While he might've went too far with the hostility, she needs to know the reality ro understand and get over the anxiety

  11. Yea, even with the absurd "cultural differences" nonsense there is no way that 1st story is true, nobody would even humor anything that obnoxious and repulsive much less agree to let them use their car while they aren't using it etc.

  12. Got to love how both mom and grandma tried to keep a secret and the stupid mother had a picture of her with the kid. If she not seeing the kid why have that picture? At least everyone is acting like you should with this revolution. Reddit has to many story of stupid family and friends who support the cheaters and blame the op

  13. Having money and not letting GF know. The one commenter was calling OP a tail for not telling his GF. OP you do not have to tell a GF about your finances. You had a plan to discuss this when the talk of marriage was getting serious. I would seriously think long and hard about her now. The minute she found out she started asking why you had not paid her bills, very red flag. Two years is not very long for a relationship and definitely not enough time to tell her about your family wealth or yours. She just showed you who she is, believe her.

  14. drama king i love the stories. me and my boss listen to them while were working. shit be too funny and tooooo brazy but keep it up. everyone have a swell day and stay prayed up and jesus is real foreal!! hello from richmond, va!

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