Home Immigration Crisis Point: Junior Doctor Diaries | Part 1 (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

Crisis Point: Junior Doctor Diaries | Part 1 (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

Crisis Point: Junior Doctor Diaries | Part 1  (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories

Filmed at the height of the junior doctors crisis this series explores the story of the unprecedented challenges facing Britain’s National Health Service, told by some of the 60,000 junior doctors.

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From: Confessions of a Junior Doctor
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  1. 28:55 how very sad. She can’t say she knows anything about her patients that day. These beautiful people get into the medical field because they love and care about people. God bless us all.

  2. It has always blown my mind that the human race can have such a wide spectrum of intelligence and ability. Im not referring to people who have a disorder mentally…….im refering to able bodied people. Watch a brain surgeon in the operating room……how can one human have the intelligence to operate on a brain, but yet another has a hard time with the tv remote ??

  3. Yes, hi Holly. And the name of that teacher that told you that you'd never be a doctor? What were their name again? I'll go give them a punch of simple reality. wink The glances to each other between Tracy and he husband were so heart wrenching. I'd be an emotional wreck if I had to tell people things like those doctors do.

  4. What I noticed about the new junior dr, the female with dark brown hair…the one that lost one patient then another. I noticed when she is talking with the patience’s and she gets distracted and called away, she doesn’t say a word to the person she is treating, she just walks away..not a I’ve got called to another room, or I will be back. She just walks out. I would not be happy about that!

  5. Stop complaining and do the job, it was ur choice to do it or give others a chance to prove themselves. Reduce the the training period and u will see plenty of applicants.

  6. So person needs to die because main doctor left to let new „junior doctors“ handle the person and man dies. You experience an experienced death. Wonderful.

    Palliative Care is such a wonderful thing. We get you dead as planned in couple of days, so you’re not getting too expensive. But Pharmaceutical Industrial making billions selling Morphine right directly out of Afghanistan.

    Everything ist stretched. So the old people becoming an expensive burden. Now SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines takes care of them.

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