Home Immigration Did you miss the window to live in the DR | Expat Dominican Republic | Portugal | Relocate | Retire

Did you miss the window to live in the DR | Expat Dominican Republic | Portugal | Relocate | Retire

Did you miss the window to live in the DR | Expat Dominican Republic | Portugal | Relocate | Retire

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We are Eric & Tina, a married couple from the United States who retired and relocated from Las Vegas to Santiago Dominican Republic over 2 years and now living in the Silver Coast of Portugal. This vlog is to show you our journey and how you too can achieve expatriate living.

💰Want to relocate to Portugal & need assistance Contact Bordr through this link:

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🛬 We recently used Viator and they gave me a special offer to share with my friends. Viator has more than 350,000 memorable experiences for you to explore: whale watching, white water rafting, cooking classes, iconic attractions, and so much more. With Reserve Now & Pay Later and free cancellation, they offer the ultimate flexibility! We are treating you to an exclusive 10% off your first experience!
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🛍 Try Vela Bae Candles to support locally made and long lasting quality:
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💰Get money transferred to different countries for some of the LOWEST FEES ever! Use this code:

💰Get up to a discount of $65 off on your first AirBnB stay:

💻 Have you tried Surfshark? Sign up with my link and you will get 1 month free of the same VPN I use:

💵 Get a discount by joining Uber Eats through this code code at checkout:
Glovo: good for food & groceries in the Dominican Republic & Portugal use code: C1ZWW5E

💛As always we want to thank you for your ongoing support to the channel, if you would like to be a one-time patron, please do so directly to PayPal:

Or Venmo: @carribean_e

💻 Be up to date by: Following us on Social Media:
Instagram: carribean_e
Facebook page: Carribean E

Business inquires: send a DM on our Instagram: carribean_e
Or Become a Patron:

We are not and do not claim to be relocation advisors, experts, lawyers, or accountants. The content in this consultation and our YouTube videos are for entertainment purposes only and use our own personal opinions and experiences. You should always make the best decisions that suits your own personal needs and conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed specialist if necessary. Know that all international relocations involve some form of risk and there is no guarantee that:
1. you will be successful in making your move to a foreign land
2. you will have your visa or resident permit approved
3. ​ you will not require help from a qualified professional in any arena.
A​lways remember to make informed decisions by doing your own research because knowledge is POWER!



  1. Hi Tina and Eric, como estan? I'm a dominican girl married to an Irish/american man for a long time…"For forty years" 😍🤩😘 We live in the Washington DC area, we are retired and planning to start traveling again. We've been a military family, now we are empty nesters and bored. 😂😂😂 So nice to see you. Love your videos. God bless you both.🙏🌹🌹🌹

  2. good video…..looking into selling my house in Florida and getting offers which are 4x what i originally paid for it……D.R. and Portugal are good places to call home but very different….Portugal has a european vibe and D.R. is more of a island feel to it….all depends what your looking for …..am looking at the D.R. as i don't have visa issues there (D.R. born) and properties which are paid for …..

  3. I really enjoy your content. I’m retired from the U.S.Army. I’ve lived around the world and thought I never wanted to live anywhere but the USA. My mind has changed with the craziness going on now. Eric, you put a lot on a brother’s mind and that’s in a good way. Keep up the work. 👍🏿

  4. Keep on Keeping guys. Awesome content. 👌🏾❤️👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽I wanted to ask about the FAST driving there. Scary or OK?
    Tina no pressure on the shopping content I'll see soon enough. Thanks for all you do. 😊💃🕺🍷ENJOY

  5. I disagree. Housing market has reached its climax. The housing bubble is going to pop when the fed raises hit 2%. The U.S. bubble popping will bring down the rest of housing in the world. We are experiencing inflation now and for certain length of time, but what will follow is Deflation which will take the world into a Depression.

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