Home Resorts Exploring the Beaches of Portugal | Day trip to Setúbal and Tróia | Black Expats in Portugal

Exploring the Beaches of Portugal | Day trip to Setúbal and Tróia | Black Expats in Portugal

Exploring the Beaches of Portugal | Day trip to Setúbal and Tróia | Black Expats in Portugal

We love exploring our new country and there is so much to do in Portugal. You can literally take a day trip using your metro card to as far south as Setúbal and as far north as Sintra and beyond. We explored a bit of Tróia and plan to go back when it warms up a bit. Beautiful beaches, beautiful country.

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F.I.R.E. over 50 Facebook Group for folks of the Diaspora:

Investing FAQs, the basics:

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MASTER CLASS – Real Estate Investing for Financial Independence –


CASHING OUT: win the wealth game by walking away:

Get Good with Money: Ten Simple Steps to Becoming Financially Whole:

Choose FI:

Why Does The Stock Market Go Up?: Everything You Should Have Been Taught About Investing In School, But Weren’t:


D7 Apartment Finder – Rossini – Lisbon House Finder:

Get Your Portuguese NIF & Bank Account from the US:

Relocate to Portugal –



70% off the first 1 on 1 language lesson – starts at $4/hour:

Luggage/Deployment Bags we used:

Ship Your Luggage:

TrustedHouse Sitters: ​​

Google FI cell service for travelers:
(if you often travel, get a local SIM within a day or two of when you land)

Our preferred Travel Rewards Cards:
American Express:

Chase Sapphire:

Transfer $ Internationally – Wise (formerly TransferWise):
(this is not the most economical for large frequent transfers)


Live Streaming Software – Streamyard:

Our Email System – MailerLite:

Youtube Analytics -TubeBuddy:

Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone (Midnight Blue) –

Boom Arm – Blue Microphones Yeti USB Microphone –

Neewer Collapsible Studio Lights Softbox –

Wireless Microphone System for Smartphones –

LED Video Light with APP Control –

ShiftCam ProGrip – for SmartPhones –

ABOUT HALISI AND RIC: If you’re like us, you were living your life – helping your kids through college and other endeavors, taking a vacation here and there, and strivin’. Then one day you wake up and realize 50 is staring you in the face and your savings and retirement account look piddly.
We changed the way we handled our finances and within three years our net worth went from -$22k to $800k+ and we were in a position to retire. We are currently scouting locations to retire abroad.
If you believe you might need some help in those areas, book a call with us. We will help you come up with a plan, to get your finances straight so that you can retire or maybe just…work less!

We are not financial advisors, but financial educators. The content in our courses, on our website, and on our YouTube videos are for educational purposes only and merely cites our own personal opinions. In order to make the best financial decision that suits your needs, you must conduct your own research and seek the advice of a licensed financial advisor if necessary.



  1. At 0:55, you can see in the back a big aqueduct ("Aqueduto das Águas Livres"), that supplied Lisbon with water. It was built between 1732 and 1799.
    Setúbal is a city with 90 000 inhabitants, bathed by River Sado, where there's the only resident dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) community in Portugal, about 30 animals.


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