Today we are exploring the backstreets of Tokyo Japan while enjoying the beautiful Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) before the wind and rain take them all away!
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Grey weather but still a beautiful day! Thank you all so much for joining!!
Definitely more streams coming up soon, so make sure you have those notifications on!!
Edit: Holy Sakura Batman! full 5G signal in CENTRAL Tokyo and Genuinely the worst quality we have had yet.
We need a better system for these streams…..
Something about the contrast of the box trucks in the city against the pink sakura trees is just very beautiful.
Gundam heart of me .. Send love to Norm and chat
I truly enjoy the live streams & hope to visit Japan relatively soon.
Vid 3, sad I missed this
Is this a YouTube video from 2007 because this is like 240p ? Still kinda enjoyed, unfortunate though
Hey Norm, loving the content, sir, as ushe!!
wondering when you're going to another forest walk.
Thank you for your brilliant content bud 👏🏼 👍🏼
I didn't get to see this live, but it brought me no less joy getting to watch it this morning to start my day. I am so happy you didn't give up on doing the livestreams, Norm! We are all here for the experience, the "quality" doesn't matter. To me, these ARE quality. So, thank you!!
Currently catching up on the streams ive missed! Hope everyone watching has a nice day
Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle Yeah!
“Logo Patch”😺
Just replace the hole with your logo.😺
Maybe those numbers are kind of markers for rescues or something like that?
These are great fun, cool channel. Got to jump on trash taste as a way of further showcasing the streams and other vids
I’m on a boat! 🛥🍾
Can’t wait for more content, Norm. 😁
Thanks for the beautiful vlog
Thank you for the amazing stream!
Stumbled to your channel a month ago and I am now in binge mode on your Explore streams and Tokyo Lens videos ever since. Feeling the sense of travelling all over again!
Your videos are very inspiring and motivated me to plan for a roadtrip to finish ticking off my last prefecture in Japan yet to visit, Fukushima!
Keep up the inspiration! And Shibuya Sakura Wiggle is definitely a thing
Awesome stream young Norm, enjoyed the sass too. Love the quality bashers, same people that will listen to podcasts. I consider this a podcast, awesome content and hang-out chat, with the occasional eye-candy of spectacular parts of Japan. Awesome fun either way. Keep up the great work mate 🙂
I’ve missed the lives so much!!! Sorry you had a bad morning Norm 😖
Thanks for sharing Japan with us, I can’t Wait to get there myself some day 😆
idea: Shibuya garbage truck docu 😀
idea: Shibuya garbage truck docu 😀
I watch/listen to these as I work. Keeps me sane threw an otherwise stressful day, always interesting to hear your experiences and opinions and good to get a few laughs in. 👍🏻
Awesome video Norm!
Loved seeing the sakura today. It brought back a sweet memory of seeing the sakura at Nagoya Castle. Thanks for the video!
Loved the conspiracy theory discussion especially as I actually spent time today on my walk trying not to make eye contact with the frootloops protesting outside Parliament house here in Canberra.🐨🇦🇺
It's official, you have beat out Chris Broad as my favorite youtuber! When my husband and I are finally able to go on our Japan honeymoon, I would love to meet you! A Patreon boat hang out would be so fun!
contrails are jet farts!!!
Shibuya Sakura Street does get you the wiggly street
Norm, I need you to know, I had literally just crawled into bed in the whee hours of the morning when this stream started and YouTube pinged me about it.
Never had such a grumpy grumble about having to work.
Hope you've had a great day!
Love your videos, thank you for all your hard work and for keeping me sane! mega excited to see you walk past the Mustard Hotel in Shibuya, that’s where my family and I stopped in early 2020! Miss Japan so bad, looking forward to returning. Keep up the amazing work, and take care of that knee. Love and vibes, Sarah x x
Glad you upload them, cause I cannot watch live at 1 in the night. Wouldn't such a awesome stream 🙂
Good morning Norm! Catching up from Ireland while I get ready for the day. Great stream 🌸
the noise cancellation of your phone is particularly great! the construction was minimal as far as sound
Thank you for the stream! The 240p quality didn't stop me from appreciating the beauty of Tokyo's sakura!😊
Love the streams Norm BUT you walked right past an Aston Martin DB11 @ 25:13 with barely a word. The cars are one of the reasons I watch your stream. Well that and you are so entertaining. Have a good day from Houston, Texas.
Sooo I'm down to help with a boating stream! I'm supposed to be there next March 2nd-23rd and would love to help with a possible Sakura boat tour!
Much love from Arizona 💜💜
Thanks Norman . Loved this, miss the live . Feel your coffee morning . At least you didn’t grab the cat biscuits and grind them 😂
Have definitely dumped my coffee on the floor in recent memory. Feels.
Glad to see you back again! There's always that dampener comment that ruins your day, but remember you do content that helps many others instead. Take great pride in that. It always feels like you guys are old friends of ours, and we have known you for a long time. (although you might not know us) Keep up the spirit!
Sorry to hear about that stumble you took. I hope the documentary goes well, and that you can soon have a schedule you're more comfortable with.
So sad i missed this stream by two hours D:
Sad I missed this live stream but enjoying now it regardless. SAKURA WIGGLE was beautiful! 💕🌸 Thank you, Norm!
I don't know what it is about coffee and photographers. I'm a photographer and I don't get it. 🤣
Thanks for another great livestream Norm, it's always a fun time! When I get to come back to Japan again, I would like to meet up with you if possible and go on an adventure!! Keep up the amazing work!
Sorry I couldn't make the stream, but the scenery is as beautiful as expected!