Home Real Estate Factory Kraków, experience the pure joy of shopping| Shopping haul Vlogs #polandvlogs #geetvlogs

Factory Kraków, experience the pure joy of shopping| Shopping haul Vlogs #polandvlogs #geetvlogs

Factory Kraków, experience the pure joy of shopping| Shopping haul Vlogs #polandvlogs  #geetvlogs

​@Geet Vlogs

Shopping at Factory Outlet is an experience you’re sure to enjoy!
Timetable – Rondo Matecznego
We invite you to free bus routes on the routes from Ronda Matecznego and Plac Centralny.
Timetable from Rondo Matecznego and from Plac Centralny

About THE CENTREThe only centre of its kind!
Do you like shopping but not overpriced products?
Do you like to express your own, unique style?
Do you like to shop in comfort?
You will find renowned Polish and international brands, always at a discount of 30 to 70%.
In more than 100 stores, you will find exceptional clothes and accessories, a wide range of shoes, as well as sportswear.
At Factory Kraków, experience the pure joy of shopping.

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