Thanks for the information. Do you know if these negative experiences you mentioned occurred mostly in big urban/tourist areas, or anywhere in PT? I would think the buyer would have an advantage in rural or smaller cities where demand is lower.
Thanks Joric. I’ve noticed some listing on real estate sites do appear odd. For example, photos are often horrific! Anyway, not exactly great news but appreciate indicating what can happen and be prepared for these outcomes. Cheers.
Hi Joric! Your points are hitting home for me and some…Thanks for keeping it real and more vlogs need to be on the realities!! First we got VERY lucky finding our apt 9 months ago (landlord, amenities location, etc). However, unbeknownst to us our contract is not registered with finanças…CASH! It's a little difficult to change your address without a legit contract…Luckily, our LL is changing that! As for Idealista, it has worked for us, but MANY properties are already rented or sold when you call and yes, descriptions, size and locations are often wrong!! Pulling my hair out now, but still love my home, Lisboa!! People should be aware that things are different, very different!
Thank you for this information. Incredibly helpful!
As a real estate agent in madeira i have to say that not every one does the job right, it is not Portugal the problem but yes the agents
Thanks for the information. Do you know if these negative experiences you mentioned occurred mostly in big urban/tourist areas, or anywhere in PT? I would think the buyer would have an advantage in rural or smaller cities where demand is lower.
Can you tell me if anyone has had an issue if they have their own furniture and getting a mover to move out that quickly?
Thanks for sharing this
Thanks Joric. I’ve noticed some listing on real estate sites do appear odd. For example, photos are often horrific! Anyway, not exactly great news but appreciate indicating what can happen and be prepared for these outcomes. Cheers.
Hi Joric! Your points are hitting home for me and some…Thanks for keeping it real and more vlogs need to be on the realities!! First we got VERY lucky finding our apt 9 months ago (landlord, amenities location, etc). However, unbeknownst to us our contract is not registered with finanças…CASH! It's a little difficult to change your address without a legit contract…Luckily, our LL is changing that! As for Idealista, it has worked for us, but MANY properties are already rented or sold when you call and yes, descriptions, size and locations are often wrong!! Pulling my hair out now, but still love my home, Lisboa!! People should be aware that things are different, very different!