Home Immigration Going Undercover in London’s Brothels | Investigators

Going Undercover in London’s Brothels | Investigators

Going Undercover in London’s Brothels | Investigators

Sex slavery in London is on the rise. A sophisticated network of human trafficking stretches from Eastern Europe right into the heart of the most expensive postcode in London: Mayfair.

These high-class brothels are controlled by Albanian gangs who force women into prostitution against their will, take all the profits and effectively turn them into sex slaves. Famous politicians, footballers and business tycoons are among the clientele, paying up to £300 an hour for sex and cocaine, fuelling the industry to grow.

After being approached by a pimp on a night out, investigative journalist Tam Hussein then teamed up with ITV News correspondent Lucy Watson to expose the entire operation. Tam went undercover into a brothel to show exactly how they operate, to confirm that the women are there against their will – and to expose how this is happening in plain sight across the streets of London.

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  1. Politicians, professional footballers, buisness men, they don't visit and pay for sex in these ilegal borthels or cheap borthels with 16 women on a tiny flat. They are talking just bullshit .

    Politician, whealty buisness men , professional athletes, famous people, they visit the top stripper clubs and exclusive swinger parties in London, they pay for the most beutiful and expensive escorts, models and dancers in the UK .

    The working class are more likely to use these kind of borthels controled by Eastern Countries Mafias.

  2. What's the problem, money shifts from rich to poor, why us this always perceived as a negative, girls get money men spend it on them take that away, who really loses and who really gains? Think about it.

  3. Great job guys, but unfortunately this problem
    isn’t going away anytime soon, since powerful
    figures are involved in it.
    Thanks for also making the distinction between
    someone who’s a prostitute on her own will, and
    those who are victims of sex trafficking.
    It’s a bit like with drugs; as long as there’s a market,
    the problem isn’t going away. Maybe the solution
    (Which would at least make the situation better)
    would be a legalization. Can’t understand why is
    it so difficult to do. It’s 2022 for god’s sake! 🤯

  4. As sad as it is, the sex industry has been around since the earliest civilizations. It will still be here long after we're gone because the desire for accessible sex can never be cured.

  5. A market can't exist without customers. It's basic economics that you will only sell what others want to buy. Nobody is forced to buy sex, they buy sex because they want to buy sex.

    Nobody needs sex, it's not a necessity like food, water, shelter, or medicine.

    If you don't want sex work to exist, then get mad at the customers who fund the work and not the vulnerable people who are usually in insecure financial situations that have almost no options left, let alone safety.

    If you're gonna be upset about the situation, make sure you're getting upset at the right people who are the source of the issue.


  6. Legalize prostitution like here in Australia, once its legalized within a proper framework then using trafficked sexworkers makes no sense as clients would rather goto a proper brothel

  7. sex trafficking and paid sexual assault are serious problems but they have to be distinguished clearer from sexwork. These women aren't sexworkers they are victims and the Nordic model (criminalizing the buying of sex) will not help them. And even worse – it will also hurt consenting sex workers. Think about it – when everyone who is buying sex is willing to commit a crime doing it, what kind of customers are sex workers able to choose from? Listen to the experiences of sex workers in countries with that model and try to let go of the illusion that this will fo anything to help victims of sex trafficking and abuse.

  8. I think the best way to combat this kind of unimaginable abuses is legalization and mandatory counseling for the people involved in the trade, as well as collecting taxes from the Johns for social services to help people exit when they chose to as well as a special pension found for these women. But to do that, they would have to maintain the privacy of the clients, otherwise, they will still go to the underground.

  9. someone should print out lists of the names of the rich and powerful on stacks of paper and then let them fly from a rooftop to the public down below. expose them all. because of the filth of the rich, these horrors will never stop

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