Home Immigration Golden Passports Can't Hide From WHO | Your Plan 'B' Just Buys Time At Best (TPTS)

Golden Passports Can't Hide From WHO | Your Plan 'B' Just Buys Time At Best (TPTS)

Golden Passports Can't Hide From WHO | Your Plan 'B' Just Buys Time At Best (TPTS)

The number of wealthy Americans applying for citizenship or residency in foreign countries has skyrocketed over the past three years as US billionaires, tech entrepreneurs, and celebrities look to create a “plan B” for their families. If you have enough money, you can literally buy residency in another country that will allow you to purchase a “golden passport”.

Find out more in this article posted on the RTD blog:

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DISCLAIMER: The financial and political opinions expressed in this video are those of the guest and not necessarily of “Rethinking the Dollar.” Views expressed in this video should not be relied on for making investment decisions or tax advice and do not constitute personalized investment advice. The information shared is for the sole purpose of education and entertainment.

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  1. Great info thanks especially when you said the truth that premiums will have to match the difference between the manipulated spot price for gold and silver and the physical price as its clear the paper price is fake and the real price is what you can actually buy physical precious metals for.

  2. Trust in the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight

    Submit therefore unto God.
    Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
    James 4v7

  3. Money is an issue that everyone has for a better and luxurious life was hard for me until I started trading Bitcoin and am now earning $ 18,435 per week, despite the current dip I'm still earning on it

  4. The director general of the who is from Ethiopia and was caught lying about Is starvation and famine in Ethiopia. He was only elected for 5 years and his term is up at the end of May 2022. The real villain all this is doctor Bill Gates. If you ask me they all need to be taken out. Is there enforcement arm of anything is going to be the UN. Maybe they should ask the director general of The Salvation ArmyFor advice. You need to do your homework if you're going to have a show like this

  5. Congressman Michele Bachmann is warning we are about to have our sovereignty signed over to the W.H.O.!!!! This is taking place within 2 weeks in Geneva ….the bills are being pulled together right now!!!

  6. That is a blue print to use covid scam to take over every country slowly at one time. They just tested it with covid lockdowns…Now look at inflation and cost of living in every country. While they wage war on our food and land resources, Blaming it on Russia… They will keep it up until the governments of every country is asking for help. Then the IMF will step in and tell them what to do to there citizens while stealing the wealth and loaning them back the money they stole…lol…you can not make this stuff up…

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