A new study has traced the impact of smartphones on Indian marriages. It has been found that excessive use of smartphones is hurting relationships.
#smartphone #relationship #wion
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This is so true. My marriage nearly got ruined as I was guilty of all of this and my wife nearly left me because I am spending more time on the phone even while being with her. Thankfully I changed.
sorry to tell u this but i was watching your news in phone😅😅
There's always three in a marriage nowadays…husband, wife and Wi-Fi/tech/smartphones. Ironic really. We really have to watch how much time we're online as it is addictive. I try to limit the time I'm online…too much to do. The housework and shopping don't do themselves you know!.
Watching this through my android phone😊😊😊😊
Well… I jack
To my phone every morning
In the afternoon
At night
Local india.
Social media : Connecting people who are far; disconnecting people who are in next room.
If you marry a gold digger, she'll end up stealing your golden balls and you'll end up looking like a eunuch as well as an absolute jackass. You'll also end up turning into a eunuch if you marry a woke woman.
Smart phones, social media etc will end your relationship. A smart man will marry a rich woman and be satisfied in life.
Phones are turning humans into cyborgs.
been seeing people intoxicated and surrendering to this device which makes human victims and addictive somethings I follow never have phone in my bed room, no push notifications only pull few times a day if a person valued in my life then my phone stays away from our sight
never mind if she would die for u….just ask if she would give up her smartphone…neveeer…lol
Over population.
I like my phone and all but it's not human and I am not obsessed with anyone over 30- 60 miles away from me. I don't understand how people obsessed over people in social media or Hollywood. These people don't know you exist and when they know you exist, your presence to them is just an ego boost. I watched my sister be obsessed over social media while she neglected her kids of affection. She just gave them tablets to shut them up when they hit ages 4 and 5.
No worries… the great blackout worldwide in 2023 will end the use of mobile phones.
I'm married to news. I NEED A DIVORCE!!!
Yes I am
100% 😢
Apps are traps! And social media is toxic!
Even the anchors on this channel have laptops in front of them.
Yes,do agree.
Mean while 100% of those watching this news are watching it from their smartphones 😂
No, I'm married to someone's wife.