In this video we share with you all you need to know before taking a flight to Europe (Portugal) with a pet in cabin (dog or a cat).
We have flown with TAP Air Portugal from Prague to Funchal (Madeira) via Lisbon, the whole flight with layovers and time in the airport was around 8-9 hours. But since it was an evening flight it was quite nice and chill.
The airplane carrier and other dog products used in this video can be found here:
A health certificate template for travel to EU:
My name is Xanti and I am a Maltese dog.
I want to share with you my adventures and what is it like to have a Maltese dog in your family 🐶
If you ever have any questions about how to care about your puppy or dog, do not hesitate to ask and my mummy and daddy will always try to answer you. 😊
Now here is some info about me:
Birth: 23.08.2020 👶
Gender: Good-boy 😇
Breed: Maltese (I have a pedigree certificate) 🤴
Colour: Snow-white 🤍
Favourite food: Dried chicken or pork meat
Height: 26 cm / 35 cm (Withers / All) 📐
Length: 33 cm / 44 cm (Body / All ) 📏
Weight: 3.7 kg. ⚖️
Other socials:
00:00 Intro
00:30 Entry Requirements to Portugal (European Union)
01:15 Airline Requirements (TAP Portugal)
01:53 Making Your Booking
02:43 Preparing for the Flight
03:23 Airport Procedure
04:04 In the Airplane
04:51 Arriving to Portugal
#flytap #cute #maltese
The airplane carrier and other dog products used in this video can be found here:
Good info👍
Thanks you for sharing your latest video. 💖
I don't think I could ever fly with doggie as she won't stay in a carrier. She prefers cardboard boxes 📦 but she doesn't stay inside except to find food. Then she jumps out again 🙄 . Terra firma for us, sadly.
Always precious information 👍 Thank you see you soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😘
Your dog is calm, mine isn’t, so no no travel travel for him
Ich liebe xantis und xumis Abenteuer aber es ist in Südamerika, Brasilien sehr schwer die Hunde chippen zu lassen Die Fluggesellschaft Tap weiss das auch.Was aber sehr wichtig ist ist das Gesundheitszertifikat
How to take a passport for the pets ?, Is there any special procedure or normal procedure like humans ?
How to take a passport for the pets
Good info, Thanks and keep safe
Great step by step 😃😃😃😃👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 small dogs is easy to travel together 😉😉😉😉😉a yorkie kiss, au au au 😘😘🐾🐾
how r u?~broth, you created nisane !))
Thank you for the new video! Xanti and Yumi are so cute!