Home Real Estate How To Screen Tenants: 3 Tenants YOU Should NEVER Rent To | Ask James Wise 39

How To Screen Tenants: 3 Tenants YOU Should NEVER Rent To | Ask James Wise 39

How To Screen Tenants: 3 Tenants YOU Should NEVER Rent To | Ask James Wise 39

When learning how to manage rental property many landlords wonder how to screen tenants. Tenant screening is one of the most important parts of being a landlord or property manager. However tenant screening is also one of the hardest parts of being a landlord or property manager. When you are managing rental properties you aren’t managing the properties as much as you are managing the tenants who live in the properties. Managing rentals is more of a people business than anything else. The major difference between managing rental properties and other people management focused businesses such as customer service representatives or things of that nature is that property managers cannot go by the motto of the customer is always right. In fact, not every potential tenant should be allowed to be your customer when you are managing rental property. A large portion of the tenant screening process is determining who you should not allow to live in your rental property. In the 39th episode of The Ask James Wise Show James goes over 3 types of tenants that you should never rent to. If you rent to these 3 types of tenants your rental property business will suffer and you are going to hate being a landlord or property manager.



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  1. Wow, you must have never had life happen to you! I pray God always provides for you and softens your heart when others lack provision and just need a little humanity!! Man, I never considered myself a m-f-er!! And I pay all my bills and yet find myself under a termination of tenancy at no fault just cause and my awesome landlord has only ever rented to me at $1375 for a 3 bed 2 bath so I'm not current in this market and my husband is the only one working so I do have a sad story. I have 7 kids and have no where to go. That makes me an A-hole?! Wow. God bless you brother! Peace be upon you always

  2. U sound like a landlord someone shouldn't rent suppose a person actually has a valid reason they need to explain u want consider that because somehow they are trying to get over wow

  3. This dude's channel is 7 years old and he's only got 65K subscribers…. He'd probably be a better landlord if he'd quit selling snake oil on YouTube and focus on being a landlord.

  4. Remember the laws are set in place to protect "landlords" so remember "landlords" can abuse the laws also … Like waiting to fix the air on day 10 of 14 or "charging" 300 Just because you rent doesn't make you a second class citizen ..

  5. Grateful my landlord rented to me. I was going through a divorce during the pandemic and didn't have a job at the time. I've been his tenant going on 3 years now. Never late on rent. And treat his unit like it's my own.

  6. Never seen a less compassionate, less reasonable person in my life. I hope he gets evicted and becomes homeless. God forbid a landlord fix things wrong with the house. Piece of shit.

  7. You also can get an evict because the landlord or property manager hates you and they make up a lie to remove you from the property. 90% of landlords are slum lords and are Liars and of course the courts always seems to go with the person with the most money so you landlords always gets away with being slumlords if it's up to you landlords y'all have debtor prisons..

  8. Undocumented immigrants are the best you get the money and then few months of rent then evict them .collect application fee on the house for months then rent to Undocumented immigrants then evict them.

  9. Landlord here. If you come at it with this guys mentality, you'll be constantly cycling through good tenants who will move out as soon as they can find a better place with a landlord who isn't a total slime ball.

    The fact that this clown aspouses his belief that landlordind shouldn't require any work/be difficult isn't based in reality. Landlording is a business and should be treated like one. You wouldn't get upset if you opened up a restaurant and had to bus a table. In the same way you shouldn't get upset when you need to perform basic maintaince and meet your tenants expectations.

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