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  1. It's nice partnering with Dr. Ikpoko on YouTube cause he was able to help me eradicate Genital Herpes after using his herbal remedy for 3 weeks as instructed by this great herbal doctor Ikpoko.

  2. Living with genital herpes virus has been a nightmare for me and my partner , lot's of sleepless nights and sadness since the past 3 years . After the usage of different ART medications , we had to use different drugs to slowdown our virus loads until recently i read an articles on alternative natural remedies online that provides totally natural cure , but I was still positive until i raised awareness online and I was informed of Dr. kwaloe on you tube herbal medicine that finally cured me and my partner . Now he has put a smile on my face with his herbal remedy. Dr . kwaloe has made is herbal remedy affordable and available for everyone in the whole wide world

  3. Nothing can compare the joy in my heart for being free from this terrible disease Herpes, for a long time i suffer from it not until i saw a review on how Dr Ogudugu on YouTube Cured someone from Herpes. I contact him and bought his herbal medicine, surprisingly for me i was cured

  4. his movie is NO WAY near the reality: In 1981, I was hospitalised for one month in an isolation ward, lying in like a splayed chicken and unable to walk from the agonising pain. I don't expect people to believe this but I was infected on purpose by my partner, a ** psychopath, and nearly 40 years later I am writing a book about how Herpes ruined my love life. The good news is that nowadays, the treatment is light years ahead of when this movie was made. PS I have never gone on to infect anyone – it is almost impossible to be careless enough to pass on Herpes, the symptoms are unmistakeable and so painful, you would have to be a complete fool to let anyone near you. Take care everyone x

  5. Bottom line: the radical sexual revolution of the 70s was just winding down and everybody was still doing everybody else apparently, especially on Paradise Island (anything like Fantasy Island?) so WATCH OUT!

  6. The doctor is quite a romantic guy. Strange no discussion about condoms from the doctor to his buddy .
    A lot of good information in this movie. And after watching it, I have some additional unanswered questions.

  7. The chicks friend in the dressing room wipes her hand when she finds out her friend has heroes but puts that nasty ass hanger in her mouth…. smdh I love me some Judith Light 🙌🏽. The doctor’s hair do really bothered me he looked creepy

  8. I remember from my childhood that almost everybody, especially amongst adults, used to get a cold sore in the summer. If that was the herpes, it should have been absolutely universal nowadays. I wonder if that was even reported to the doctors in the 1950s and 1960s – just a cold sore – as our parents used to say and continued kissing us … Most probably an individual immune system and particular vulnerability have something to do in these cases. Am certainly going to investigate this problem further! Thanks for the upload.

  9. what I don't like about people in these situations is all they can asked when they can have sex again. like really!!! live a celibate life until u find a committed partner instead of trying to spread your shit. ppl always asked why me", as long as u are sexually active , anything is possible . all it takes is 1 time to many. in the movie, doctor never once said used a condom.

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