Home Real Estate It SNOWED!!! DAILY VLOGS UK



I have a breakfast/brunch/lunch date with my boyfriend today at a local cafe. I spend most of the afternoon working on Christmas repertoire for upcoming gigs and, speaking of gigs, I have one this evening. And IT SNOWED!!!

My bedroom desk:
My Bedroom/office chair:
My hexagonal felt pinboard in bedroom:
The mat that goes under my bedroom chair:

Puzzle roll mat:
IKEA Socktopus:
Tenor recorder:

My Cameras:
– one that works well in low light and stillish shots
– the one for walking shots
– the one for the zoomy shots

PayPal Tip Jar: paypal.me/imoandizzy

☕ If you would like to, you can buy me a coffee 😀

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IB = Invisible Boyfriend. He’s my boyfriend. He’s real, but he’s camera shy so you never see him in the vlogs though you will hear him. He is heard but not seen.

My vlogging cameras:
Canon G7X mark ii:
GoPro Hero 9:
Sony Handycam FDR AX43:

Edited on – 2020 Apple MacBook Air Laptop: Apple M1 Chip, 13” Retina Display, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD Storage, Backlit Keyboard, FaceTime HD Camera, Touch ID; Silver –

Using Premiere Pro editing software

I use TubeBuddy to help with my Search Engine Optimisation. You can find them here:
(it’s an affiliate link, by the way)

Sub count at time of posting: 5653


Our social media links:

Facebook –
Twitter –
Instagram –

Imo is a flautist/flutist (flute player), and these vlogs will often take you behind the scenes of the life of a professional folk musician. Stand by for bits and bobs of live folk music and dance as they pop up in our day-to-day lives.

These videos will not generally feature recorded background music, making them extra suitable for people who aren’t keen on pop music!

Follow this channel for daily-life vlogs (6 days a week, usually), content relating to the flute, travel (particularly to Lisbon, Portugal), folk musician lifestyle, and to see what life is like for this little family in our corner of South Wales in the UK.

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Daily vlog with no mid-roll ads running

#dailyvlog #dailyvloguk #dailyvlogwales



  1. I love snow!. But not having to drive in it. We had snow overnight, it's currently -6c, with light flurries. Every year at the end of October, we have our tires switched out for winter ones. If for some reason we need to go out of town, besides proper winter clothing, we make sure to carry a shovel, blankets, water and snacks… and our phones charged. Looks like you had a great evening.. and a fun drive home on the snowy/slippery roads. Hard to believe Christmas day is in one week. WOW… did the time every fly by fast. Have a lovely week.. 🥰

  2. oh when it starts to snow like that and I'm away from home, I just drop whatever I'm doing and hop in my car and drive home – there's this sinking feeling I get when I'm on the road and the snow starts to pile up and I'm hoping I can make it home

  3. I know snow is very cold to touch!
    I enjoy the enthusiasm your country has for snow since it's so rarely seen there.
    10F at 9am here and there were two squirrels chasing each other around my walnut tree halfway up the trunk but didn't have phone to film. This afternoon a feral gray tabby male cat wandered by but he seems to have lost all of his tail!!!

  4. Hi Imo…its me who has asked you a couple of times if the bands you play in are you and lots of crusty old men ( sorry guys-Only kidding!) so it is good to see a young 'un amongst you all! I have a question Imo…this may seem really stupid but can you hold the flute to either side to play it? Is it a choice which side you hold it out at and finally…can you swap it about if you wanted to???

  5. Oh yay you still have the cow hat. I'm at the point where I really don't care what I look like provided I'm warm. Like one of the characters from grumpy old men.. and I'm ok with that.

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