Post a message on screen Or else I will read it in the normal chat if it is not swamped. I am sorry if I miss your message, I do my best to read as much stuff as I can that is somewhat interesting even if it is a normal unpaid message, but the chat sometimes moves way too fast for me to get things.
2:37. dudes in complete denial. Thats the first step to coping….just saying its “dumb” Louis doesn’t make it less true. follow the science. read the NOW declassified phyzer papers.
Louis you are now just another joe average gym junkie . so time to say goodbye & un-subscribe
Great video as always you’re a very likeable guy. I personally count calories it’s super easy just download the MyFitnessPal app (free) and add your meals once.
Each time you add anything afterwards it will show in your history or you can just add the first letter and it will appear. Honestly, it’s been a life saver for me and my father he’s lost about 4 stone.
How I do it:
– Set myself 2000 calories per day
– Skip breakfast
– Eat a low calorie lunch (two pieces of brown bread toasted + cup of tea)
– Eat oven meals with 400/500/600 max calories (there’s TONS of tasty meals)
– Pig out on snacks in the evening
I also walk for around an hour per day.
That’s it. Hope it helps.
I like Louis the same way I like Elon Musk. They both are entertaining to me. I doubt I agree with everything they do but that is not required.
Please, documentary name?
Hi Louis.
It took a revisit of all your vacation videos plus the use of two online geographic tools plus Wikipedia but I now know almost exactly where you are on vacation!
I haven't however been able to identify your hotel … not sure if can with the data that I have.
IT WAS,1:56
sup man you good
twain would kick china's butt.
Gamers nexus has Louis nightmare, but it's wholesome
Cheers from Amsterdam 🇳🇱✊🍀🥂
Did Louis talk about tweeters asking Elon musk to turn off Teslas in Russia?
Louis looking buff. Good for you.
Thanks for the motivation for exercising. I’m getting in it tonight.
20:53 the background audio sounds like aerobic gym equipment.
Why is Eli the computer guy on hiatus?
Try starlink
Is the documentary "Our New President"?
For someone who is so exceedingly polite, why do you think you're evil?
Hey Louis what happened to Erica? You still together I hope?
Will the bike videos make a return or is that dead now? As kinda miss the NY journey from home to workplace… It was good to view NY and see what it's like on the day/night time and listen to views on different topics.
Actually I blame America more than Russia.