Home Real Estate MINI REBUILD & MORE | Portuguese DIY Home Renovation

MINI REBUILD & MORE | Portuguese DIY Home Renovation

MINI REBUILD & MORE | Portuguese DIY Home Renovation

We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. Today we continue on the mini rebuild. Come and see how we did 😉 MINI
My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey & Akira we show you the rebuild of our house and what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉

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  1. Jeez those shorts are short, they look like under wear, like the type kids would wear and then put Levis on over, but have the pants always hang off their back sides and you then see the sleeping shorts like this showing 🙈🤭😂 you make me laff and laff you a real case🙆‍♀️

  2. Would you consider putting signposts at every junction so one doesn't get lost. I mean for others. Maybe you know the area like the back of your hand. But a guest kid might not.

  3. The mini-rebuild is looking wonderful, congratulations on seeing it through. Suggestion: perhaps you could design a gazebo/ shade from those three fenceposts to the front of the roof.

  4. You sound quite pleased with the way the shed looks and, justifiably so as it looks well organized and pleasing to the eyes.
    The compound has a comfortable lived-in look now. Even Zoe looks more relaxed. Congrats with the completion of the "mini."

  5. Good progress. As this mini, well, is mini, I got myself again thinking the idea of inside opening doors. I do not get those at all. It eats so much space, and it is harder to seal agains water, and harder to make locking secure. Latter hardly is the case here -but like the southern toilets, the bloody doors swing is filling all the space and it is hard to even get in and turn the door shut. Here in nordic all doors open out. (exept If there is doubles: 2 outdoors, inner opens in and outer out. 2 doors keeps cold air and noise out of house.)

  6. Hi Jasper & company. Getting things sorted and stored. Any items not wanted please use a charity,they are always looking for stuff. Mini build is looking amazing,the floor paint will help with dust / wear n tear. A nice rug and it will be cosy. White bright fresh and clean,well done all. Stay safe and hydrated.

  7. Acira stays close to u but Zoe likes to explore lots of places it looks like a great place for the dogs . The mini build is looking great Jasper best regards Andy from Felixstowe.

  8. Jasper , Don't forget you can always store your stuff in the 1st little house on the other property. Looks like your editor got more paint on himself than he did the walls..lol.. Mini build is looking awesome.

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