Home Real Estate MINI REBUILD PART 20 (batten spacing and finishing the door frame) – Portuguese House Renovation

MINI REBUILD PART 20 (batten spacing and finishing the door frame) – Portuguese House Renovation

MINI REBUILD PART 20 (batten spacing and finishing the door frame) – Portuguese House Renovation

We are in the middle of renovating our house in an abandoned Portuguese village. Currently we are working on the mini rebuild. In this episode i finish the treatment of the battens that we will be using on the roof of the mini rebuild. And i also finish reconstructing the top part of the wall of the mini rebuild. But all and all progress is sloww. In the next episode i will try finish the door frame and make a start with placing the battens

My name is Jasper and i bought a house in a Portuguese ghost town. Together with my dogs Zoey& Akira we show you the rebuild of our house en what it is like living the daily life in Central Portugal.
If you like to follow along on our journey, maybe take a subscription 😉

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  1. What! Dogs again! Do we really have to watch this or do you just fill up time for another blog each day with dog walks. Its always the same old tale of where's Zoe. Give us a break mate!

  2. Take it from someone who has been to hospital twice to have bits of metal taken out of there eye. Sunglasses are useless when using a grinder, you need goggles

  3. Well Jasper you've managed to work out your batton spacing,weather is good. The tiles will look OK,and do their job. This weekend you'll be putting in the window and door. I would wet your walls and floor down inside to get the dust,sweep the walls too and the wooden beams. R U going to white wash the internal walls? It would brighten and make it look bigger inside. All little finishing jobs……nearly finished Jasper. Stay safe.

  4. Thanks Jasper. I like you and your videos but if you choose to produce fewer each week so that you can get more work done that will be ok.

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