Home Real Estate MLS Systems & Buying Services in Portugal

MLS Systems & Buying Services in Portugal

MLS Systems & Buying Services in Portugal

Today’s topic: Short explanation about the MLS system here in Portugal and our own software (What is an MLS, how it operates) plus How we work as a buyer broker (what is a buyer broker). Watch until the end to learn more about the Portuguese Real Estate Market while Ana Caramujo answers our live audience questions.

00:00 Intro
00:56 What is an MLS System?
04:39 What is a Buyer Broker / Buyer Agent?
05:05 How Savvy Cat Realty works as a buyer broker?
14:01 Buying & Renting Market curiosities in Portugal

🔗Links mentioned
Olx (
Idealista (
Imovirtual (

You can follow our written advice in our blog here:

Last blog articles:
– Holidays in Portugal – The complete list (
– Move to Portugal – Process (
– Health Care in Portugal – Public vs Private (

Find out how we can help you here:

Bespoke Property Sourcing for Savvy Expat looking for a new investment

Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT any questions below,
or email us at contact@savvycatrealty.com!

We wish you all a Purr-Fect Day 😸


Music by CeeaDidIt (pixabay.com/)
Music: Lofi Chill x2
Motion Graphics (motionelements.com)
Intro Project: Clean Shape Logo (11340447)
Artista: miph
End Project: Minimal Piano Logo (11757903)
Artista: ATMotion

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