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00:00 MOM WALKS OUT On Dad and Son
Idea: Dhar Mann and Elisandro Gonzalez
Writer: Dhar Mann and Elisandro Gonzalez
Director / Cinematographer:Carlos Orellana
Senior Manager: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini
Assistant Director: Arek Aksoy
Script Supervisor:
Story Editor:
Editor: Leonita Zhdrella
Assistant Editor: Antonio Cedillo
Composer: Rennato Nuñez
Colorist: Tania Alvarado
Sound Editor: Lucca Mendes
VFX Editor: Lincoln Smith
Trailer Editor: Brian Burkhardt
Casting and Locations Manager: Alisha Watson
Casting Associate: Daniel Carrera, Lauren Parsons, Kevin Svec
Pre Production Manager: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz
Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
Bookings Manager: Nix Villarubin
Bookings Associates: Jacq Balmeo, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala
Project Manager Associates: Miranda Romero
Lead Production Assistant:
Production Assistant:Colter Angel
Gaffer:Vaibhav Arora
Best Boy Grip/PA: Raul Godoy
Best Boy/PA:
Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Travis Hatcher
Set Decorator: Marco Chiong
Set Dresser: Cory Maracle
Props Associate: Manuel Alcaraz, Armand Bashar
Studio Teacher:
BTS Director:
BTS Editor:
BTS Assistant Editor:
BTS Colorist:
2nd Assistant Camera:
Casting Support Services by Breakdown Services
John – Kevin Kempis
Gabriel- Noah Alexander Sosnowski
Giovanni- Michael Vaccaro
Server- Ellie Santiago
Customer 1- Byron Napier
Customer 2- Mary Anderson
Customer 3- Trenton Wayne
Customer 4- Marianne Rotyliano
Customer 5- Nathan Henry Kowalczyk
Customer 6- : Ryan Vania
Customer 7- Samuel Perez
Jessica- Jazlyn Nicolette Sward
Owner – Levi Petree
Waiter-Cristina Boyd
Cook- Rudy Salo
Customer 8-Ryan Vania
Mom- Leanne Abalos
Dad- Rhandy Torres
Landlord- Douglas Thaddeus Jeffrey
Younger John- Angelo Kern
Gabriel’s Mom- Riley Trotter
Nurse – Areany Tolentino
Younger Gabriel- Ethan Clark
Security – Chimele George
Employee 1- Naya Reeves
Employee 2- Chibuike Nwuda
Older Gabriel’s Mom- Faye Jusay
#DharMannFam #Inspirational #Motivational
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Did someone say family -Dom torreto
Alternative Title: Mom walks out to buy some Milk
bruh this guy is so f good at acting
deez nutz
Its hard to date a single parent cause technically you are going from step 0 to step 2
I really liked this story, but the ending is a bit weird
I am not a big fan of how everyone just accepted a woman that left his son and family
W Giovanna he the best restaurant owner 2020-2022 rip 😢
I get it target bullseyr
What if he just work at a daycare
No me personally I wouldn’t let Tina just come back out of nowhere ,she literally abandoned them wth
I am so glad that Dhar had finally casted Filipinos. It just shows he appreciates diversity. Looking forward to seeing more. Maraming salamat po!
I love your video so much I can't I can't wait until I become AndA. Adult Or Teenager because I want to be in the video's with you. I love them😻an by the way I am Phoenix a girl. Some people think I am a boy but I'm not👧👧i also get mad.😡
This video hits way different then the others!… It was such a beautiful, Amazing video!.. Thanks a million dhar mann🥺
Does every type Of dhar Mann videos Have A story Cause if I'm going to Ask you somethingN. The next video
Dhar man videos always make me mad untill the end
Gabriel is like I have everything I need and I’m thinking except a bathroom
Come on now dhar just cuz ur parents walked out on u
2:36 she’s like 18 he’s like 30
The sad thing is I can
Relate to this and we’re still going through it
Iil yachty
The ending is so contradictory to other dhar mann videos because in other videos the msg used to be – if they wasn't part of ur struggle then they shdnt be part of ur success but here they r reuniting Tina
how awkward and stupid it is
Dhar man ig ur videos changed from good to bad and I think the reason is too much of overempowerment over capitalism
Tbh he let his pride get in his way too much. If you need to keep down a stable job so you can support your family, you need to do whatever it takes to find someone to watch / take care of your son, otherwise it’s gonna keep costing you your job and you’ll keep getting fired and have no way to support your family. It’s no longer about you at this point, it’s about your family.
omg a Filipinoooo
Possibly the most wrong ending
Can't he stay home alone?
As a filipino this is the first dhar mann video ever that I heard use our language.
Omg the filipino actors 🫶🫶🫶🫶
Bro gave him a eviction notice for a Christmas gift💀
Flamingo simulator:
Omg, His parents are Filipinos 🥰💗
I'm so proud 💚
Damnnn as a Filipino This Dhar mann video is the best!
Stupid ending
well, lets eat.
If she really was family she would have sticked when john needed her the most she left at the worst time and came back when dude was having a good business and money family should stick through hard times because everyone can come up at good times
Filipino Family are always like that. Very concern to each other