Ghost hunters Sam and Colby take @Kallmekris & @Celina SpookyBoo to the haunted Winchester Mystery House overnight to investigate the paranormal. This unexplainable night was terrifying but we might’ve solved the mystery…
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Editor: Sam and Colby
Asst Editor: Connor Stallings
Producer: Zach Bell
Thank you to the expert Numerologist Kaitlyn:
Check out her website:
Numerology Reports:
Also thank you to Crystal Jordan the empathic medium:
If you wanna visit the Winchester yourself:
This is where we got our Ghost Equipment (affiliate):
Music Used:
Friends in Video:
Kris: @Kallmekris
Celina: @Celina SpookyBoo
Our other social media!
Instagram: @SamandColby
Twitter: @SamandColby
Snapchat: @samgolbach & @colbybrock
#SamandColby #hellweek #haunted
About: Sam and Colby create haunted, exploration videos on this channel. Some series include Stanley Hotel, Hell Week, The Queen Mary, and most recently, The Conjuring Series. Subscribe to explore, travel, go ghost hunting, and watch some scary content!
Our Unexplainable Night at Winchester Mystery House | Sam and Colby
Sam and Colby
thank you for an incredible Hell Week, and happy halloween ! this was so insanely fun and such a crazy past few weeks… love you all and see you again soon 🙂 ALSO, 24 hours left for merch shopxplr.com and to join xplrclub.com for only $1!! the support on both have been amazing
ur not short celina, i’m totally not 5’6 at the age of 10
I really wish they stayed in Sarah's room to talk to her.
and say goodbye to Sarah
i didn’t hear a “goodnight sarah” when y’all left the bedroom!! 😭😂
😳my daughter's number is 7
the gem is a dick?????!!!!!!!!! nooooo!!!!!!!
You guys should go back to the conjuring house
I was born on the 8th month on the 5th day at 8:05pm. What a cool coincidence 😮
Can you go back with a kid
Wait…no…is this a bad thing? My number is 7
Y’all should definitely come to Long Island to check out the Amityville house & kings park psych center! Definitely security at the psych center though lol but it’s an insane experience just from the outside of the buildings
When Sam said that the house was top 10 haunted houses I saw above that it said the white house
Y’all should bring tommyinnit on an investigation I think he would make a great fit he is very funny loud and brave I think you guys would also get along very well
There is a place in the UK that's a village with a forest attached to it called "Pluckley Woods" or in other cases "The Screaming/Dearing Woods" and it's known to have over 40 spirits throughout the village and forest combined. It was a hot spot in the 1900's for a lot of murders and suicides and a group of teens even went 'missing' around the area, I feel it would be a good place to try check out and if possible have TommyInnit tag along.
This is highly off topic of hellweek (love it btw) buuuut I just saw like a clip from your kidnapping prank and when sam said "he's all I have" i burst into tears it was so sweet and sad and omg don't you ever do sam like that again
There’s an abandoned place in my state if you guys want to you can come and explore it, it’s going to be knocked down soon
Bro i swear if JIDION was on this it would be so funny
It says i watched this before, but i never did…………….
Can we spam the guys with a collab with META PSYCKICKS!!!!!!!
How do you tell what number you are
Meta PsycKicks.!
I love your vids