Home Real Estate Pro Geoguessr Player VS 10x Zoom Rounds

Pro Geoguessr Player VS 10x Zoom Rounds

Pro Geoguessr Player VS 10x Zoom Rounds

In this video, I’m playing a classic Geoguessr map called “a Totally Normal Zoom World”. This map is a real challenge, indeed, I’d still been yet to get a 20,000+ point score. Let’s see if I can do that today!

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  1. I already commented this on the day you uploaded the video, but youtube seems to have eaten my comment.
    2:38 is probably some kind of rockfall protection. I recognize it, because we have similar stuff in austria's alps!

  2. On the California round you guessed near grapewine because you saw a vineyard but they were actually almond trees and grapewine is named after the winding mountain round. The central valley in califorina primarily grows almond trees which provide 80% of the worlds almonds. These are just little details I thought you might find intresting as most vineyards in Califonia are actually just almond farms.

  3. There were some rounds where I was yelling for you to check the sun! A few times there were obvious cast shadows that could have helped get you the correct hemisphere. Super interesting map in any case 😊

  4. 18:14 it looks like a colo fence, but those can be found in mexico and brazil, but — with what limited view we had of it — that road pavement (i believe you call it tarmac not pavement) looked rather brazilian to me. most roads in brazil have a very distinct feel to the paving and layout, with the shoulder and the white curb and generally high quality smooth black asphalt. as a beginner it shocked me just how distinctive brazilian roads are but so they are, and what little we could see looked brazilian road to me. without any better clues i would probably go northeast corner, along the northern coast. the actual loc in brazil is quite a bit more south than i would have thought, but still very reasonable. them brazilian roads are just crazy distinct once yuo recognize them (they don't help with region guessing tho LUL)

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