A drug dealer, Jacob Barnard, serving life in jail for the murders of a mother and her four-year-old son over a £400 debt has been charged with the gangland execution of a British ex-pat in Portugal whose body was found a year after he vanished.
Joel Eldridge, 29, from Bexhill, East Sussex, mysteriously disappeared around six months after moving to Portugal to join a building project in 2018.
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It was my best friend & her son who was murdered
That bloke is evil and deserves to rot in hell for the things he has done
Can't even finish watching this over there stupidity
For £400 what a fuckin sausage,
His daddy sure brought up a fool killing somebody for 400 pounds spending the rest of your life in prison plenty of time to reflect his stupidity
I think it was Was over principles and not 400£ .. so he tells himself
More like drug addict💊💉
Gangstas put the cunt in the army let's see how hard he is
£400 debt? Drug lord?…..
Idiots, throwing so many lives away over 500 quid…..
Fuking amatuer hour…..
All for what.
Worst thing about it is someone will have took his place in the drugs market as soon as he got lifted,thing is,are they as daft as he was ? Or would the next guy not get caught ? Might of already done a few and no one knows a thing about it,? Crazy shit goes on that no one ever finds out,
This smug looking piece of dog shit shouldn’t even get a trial,barnard and his arsewipers should all be taken to the town centre placed in stock’s and let the families deal with them,that’s the only justice I’d accept,if not I’d make it my life’s mission to get to them,even if I had to go to prison to get at them,a life for a life I believe,also a quick death is too good for them, they would need to be tortured,absolute waste of time and money keeping them locked up and us tax payers are paying for them,I believe the tax payers who are paying should get a say into who should be done away with,bastards,
How can I contact you with a Story that's about to break Monday
Grusom Double Murder
I'm sure in Portugal he will get it good they will wanna bum em for killing a little boy. I hope they get bummed for ever
25 years? That's it? Should be more like 100 years.
Your going to see loads all over europe . The dutch roccys are on trial irish mob hunted down and kamora too . Touts and loose ends all over are nervous . Even bosses are at risk from their bosses in columbia
I always give you a like to support your channel nothing to do with evil that goes on in this crazy world
Smug b**t**d
Its possible the fella might of killed more people . .
Great channel mate, current news and past cases. You should be hitting 100k subs soon.
Drug lord?
Investing in crypto now should be in every wise individuals list, in some months time you'll be ecstatic with the decision you made today
Drug lord… £400…. 🥴
Wow wen u think u have seen the last story and think I won't see one worse than that then another story comes along even worse there's a lot of evil wickedness jealously hatred out there in this world knowadays its awefull it really is , godbless you G times,
Wonder how many said he'll kill someone one day, when he was a kid
400 quid 🤷 give this man 20 a week till we done 👍 bullets would of cost more 🤯
used car salesman sums it up.
No drug lord is running round collecting what you smoking mate haha.. proper drug lords don't ever collect cash they have people doing it for them you wouldn't see them running round even collecting 100 gran it's not worth the risk for them
Whole life sentence would of got that smirk of his face true story scum rip to the victims 🙏
Kill him over £400? No drug lord would be that dumb. Drug lord my arse! This thick fuck was always going to end up rotting in jail.
Deport him! Lol! All these white !! Oh!!!
Thank god he is off the streets……what an evil man…..u can see it in his face.
These two scumbags will get a bad time in prison, convicts hate child killers,he ain't no drug kingpin he h just a small time dealer, he will suffer in prison and won't get many visits because he is hated,then both will burn in hell,
Jheeze ya can see which nostril he uses to sniff 🤣😂
Well he’s no drug Lord he would of waved the 400
A few years takes the smug look
'Drug lord' 😭😭 bro no drug lord needs to kill someone over £400, stop throwing random terms around
Ax to the head is complete savage
Sick Cunts life them of good 1fella GT KEEP IT REAL
How the f-ck???👀👀👀
Life $400 seriously WTF 🤔
The look on mateys face… never seen someone look as smug as this guy. Its awful 😆
wow, what Evil wickedness. Rest in peace to mother and child..🕊️🙏🏾🌟
Does that mean drug dealing Albanians are ex pats ? 🙄
Why you using these 💩 filters for gt
Best place for them
looks like a well-rounded individual. or at least, round-headed.