A lot of my Filipino viewers were asking for this so hopefully this video will help you visualize your goal to travel to EUROPE.
Sorry if the video is quite long. I took my time explaining everything thoroughly and If you’ve applied for a SCHENGEN VISA before. COMMENT your experiences!
G e t P e r s o n a l 🤞🏼☺️
Email: lykingadventures@gmail.com
My twitter and snapchat died 4-5 years ago…
S u b s c r i b e !
(Requirement # & MORE info about it.)
#1 Application form (it’s FREE)
#4 How to BOOK a Round Trip Reservation or Flight Itinerary for Visa Application
#5 Schengen Visa Insurance – Europe Travel Insurance for Schengen Visa
#7 Proof of sufficient means of subsistence PER COUNTRY
Extra notes:
-If you’re a minor (read this)
-WHY they reject SOME applicants (read about this, I highly recommend it!)
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