Home Immigration Spain news update – Doing it tough

Spain news update – Doing it tough

Spain news update – Doing it tough

Spain news update and given the amount of people doing it tough in Spain at the moment, the government may extend it crisis plan beyond the 30th of June.

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  1. Muchas gracias por el vídeo Stuart I take it that also with the golden visa you get a EU passport as well allowing you to travel restriction free travel to all Eu countries.Money can get you any where you can even start a war and invade a peaceful country if you have something that people want

  2. Hi stu great info as ever and I watch every night but can't make the live shows. Regards the EU Russian situation it would be dire for the economy if things broke down but its much more dire for the innocent people of the Ukraine. Sometimes it shouldn't matter the financial consequences taking action against the shocking behaviour of Putin is more important

  3. I have not been a big believer in global warming since it seems to led by socialist type people. My city has always had very clean air and a good climate. After spending a week in Mexico City, I am a believer. The air was so bad my eyes burned constantly and I could not see the surrounding mountains. Cars emitted smoke like I have not seen in the USA since the 1970s. I am ready for the end of carbon burning cars. They have made Mexico City a place I do not want to visit again.

  4. Hi Stuart
    Any link ups with Nick in the near future, he is amusing with his disasters, it's great the way you give him some humorous advice,
    hope he is getting on well with his new role in his community as president,
    I am president in our community in La Marina, it can be a challenge trying to keep everyone happy,
    but I am sure nick is well geared up for the job 😉

  5. Hi Stu,

    On the subject of Spanish drivers – my opinion is that they are quite good, from a motorcyclist's perspective. I've ridden my motorcycle all across EEUU, and all across Spain. In California motorcycling is okay – good weather, drivers looking for bikes, giving you space, etc. All of Spain, Madrid, Barcelona the same – every motorcar leaves space for bikes to filter. Especially last year during pandemic Summer.
    Everywhere in the States ex-California: everybody thinks it's a race, that it is a personal insult if you pass them, enormous vehicles and a "might makes right" attitude. Much safer in Spain! Will be returning later in June, will report findings then. Best, J

  6. Spain’s annual inflation rate likely accelerated to 8.7 percent in May of 2022, from 8.3 percent in April and above market expectations of 8.3 percent….. But don't worry Pedro and his goons will sort it out.. Tony cuenca

  7. Castilla-La Mancha are two main landscapes: Castilian and La Mancha. The landscape, the accent, cooking, everything goes together. 50% of Spanish wine comes from La Mancha and 100% of opium, which makes it the world's leading producer of legal opium (it used to be Australia). There is a jotdown in El País today about European tourism to La Mancha to get free opium. They have to be the last hippies. I did opium tourism to where Stu lives when I was a child biking from Alcalá de Henares because a lot of feral opium grew in that area. I didn't even know what a drug was then. It was to harvest the dried capsules because they are beautiful and also work as maracas. And playing the maracas is how we spread opium plants from Rivas-Arganda to Alcalá de Henares all along the road.

  8. Thank you Stuart for your efforts……..What effect has the Ukraine war really affected Espana? Socialism is a sissified form of government run by a Mad Hatter Government Mentality. Where is El Cid when you need him.

  9. Cash to a certain denomination (for me $5,000 US at the moment) should always be required to be acceptable, there should be a law requiring it, and there should be no suspicion on holding or carrying such an amount up to a certain point (as currently exist in parts of the US). I mean if you can spend $200 to $500+ on a very good, big event meal with your family, you should be able to pay that with cash without question. Credit and debit cards sometimes get rejected by no fault of the holder, "Indocumentados", the poor, the elderly, and stubborn people like myself who use cash as a budgeting tool need the security of knowing we can conduct basic business without The fear of being "canceled" by some "corporate overlord" (bank, PayPal, Google Pay, etc.). Should I be able to pay cash for an old used car for my daughter, until recently that was a no brainer. That's exactly how I paid for my first car, $825 cash, back in 1991 when I was a teenager and that was still possible. And finally no government or company needs to know every small detail of your life to run day-to-day business. It's unhealthy for any society for the government to have that degree of knowledge and control over its population. if you don't think so ask the average Chinese what they think about the Social Credit Score system… oh wait you can't, because otherwise they may not be able to get a job, have a place to live, travel, or do any of the things our economic freedoms allow us take for granted. The more the government controls your personal money and wealth, the more they control you. (!)

  10. The Ukraine War has nothing to do with Spains economic problems etc etc…Use your brains if you have one… dragflation has been happening for some time now..And the politicians have done jackshit because they are thick and uneducated IMO….export or Die … Tony cuenca

  11. As always Interesting video Stuart.
    It is so interesting about the exchange of driving licenses. It would be very interesting to know figure wise on just many who were already living in Spain still held onto their U.K. licenses? They had a long time before Brexit to do this in many cases, just like many who did not apply and have residencia. I do know two couples who have been deported from Spain only recently as they just did not bother to make themselves legal. Not really quite sure what people expect? If you go to live in another country the laws, customs and practices should be adhered to. After all, we are the foreigners.
    bien hecho por todo el trabajo, tiempo y esfuerzo que pones en todo esto
    Gracias Stuart

  12. crisis is a tool for many opportunists like banks, supermarket, restaurants , so on and so forth to take advantage to rip off population. Period. As for crime going up, well nothing surprise about that at all. . . .

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