Home Real Estate Spain news update – Getting out while they can

Spain news update – Getting out while they can

Spain news update – Getting out while they can

Spain news update and the recent ‘solidarity’ wealth tax will no doubt make even more rich Spaniards take up residence in neighbouring countries with better tax rates.

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  1. When Labour came to power in the UK Years ago , they brought in a Wealth Tax , and the same happened here , the Rich flew the Country . You only have to look at all the Sports stars etc , who reside in Monaco , to '' avoid '' paying taxes , and I do not blame them one bit , when one looks at the waste in Government spending .

  2. Sarrià, Barcelona has a drunk party problem?!?!?! :O What happened to the place since I left. When I lived there ten years ago it was dead quiet, dead slow, and dead socially. Now you're telling me there are drunken brawls and partying? Ok, I need to go watch the other video

  3. If I was offered £3,000/month for the next five years to re-locate there I would invest the money to refurbish the property & open up a guest house exclusively for adults requiring a holiday of peace and to dis-connect.

  4. hija Start, maybe they'll go to UK as they did the opposite to Spain, giving the tax by % which is great for the rich. Liz looks like a dumb Maggie Thatch, who at least was intelligent. Hugs Joy

  5. If you want a great menu then the Alhambra in Madrigl de la Vera ( extremadura)is definately excellent value for money! As you are often down to Portugal Stu, then this wont be far off track! We no longer have a place there unfortunately but we have been back and the food is as good as ever and the staff are as lovely as always!! Tell them I said Hi if you go!

  6. It was pretty damned obvious what would happen when they start taxing the rich…They are all going to move their assets elsewhere and businesses will be the same. Taxes should be relative to salaries.
    Gradually rising. Those earning 40,000P.A shouldnt be taxed the same as those earning 20,000…Its grossly unfair.

  7. A millionair there , can afford to pay a villas,apartments worth thousands of hundreds or millions of euros in major cases, but are they are not willing to pay 1.8 % annual over a property, which is 18,000 euro on multiple properties, thus they can afford to pay BMW, Mazerati worth 300,000 or 400,000 euro!
    This is called Greed or in french
    Plaisir egoïste

  8. Please don't worry about flight costs going through the roof, members of The EU, WEF, WHO, etc. will still be able to move freely around The Globe in order to protect us from ourselves.

  9. It’s one thing to tax the money you earn per year, it’s another bad thing to tax your hard earned savings. I worked hard and was smart with my money, living within my means. Punishment for the savers.
    No bueno!

  10. I'm sure the working masses of Portugal, where salaries are amongst the lowest in Europe, will be overjoyed to have in their midst a parasitical class of millionaires who don't contribute anywhere near their fair share to society and likely use their wealth and power to protect their own influence.🙄

  11. Hi Stu, fellow Aussie here in southern Spain, your videos helped me plan and prepare the move to Spain from Sydney just a few months ago, so thank you. It might speak to my age to suggest a prank you could pull here just for fun, your logo in the right corner gradually and incrementally getting larger with every video until it becomes noticeably enormous and finally acknowledging it in a future video but none the wiser until then =)

  12. Stuart, perhaps something to look into for the benefit of expats owning property over 50 years old. I've received a letter from Generalitat Valencianna
    Me dirijo a used para informaria acerca de la obligatoriedad de disponer del informe de Evaluacion del Edifico de Viviendas (IEEV.CV.)
    Basically if I understan correctly we have to have the property inspected by a person's facultative competente to establish that it's fit for humrn habitation etc. 6000 euro fine for none compliance, go on to say there's a 26,750 euro grant for any work. I wonder, cannot see this applying to non residents holiday homes.
    For one who due to health will never be able to return to Spain this is a worry.
    Keep up your invaluable excellent YouTube offerings.

  13. Keep calm and carry on😊 We will survive this crisis as well. Have a cup of tea and a pint and all will be good, the fear mongering have no end. Bad things happens, history shows, and it will always be like that. Thanks for sharing as always Stu . Cheers and love from Barcelona 🇪🇸♥️ 😊 PS…. waiting to buy your tshirts saying 'I Survived The 2021 Pandemic With Spain Speaks" in Spanish and English, since you really was a lifeline during those dark times.

  14. Hi Stuart, love your vlogs and updates of local news. I am involved in sending pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago and can confirm that the Menu del Dia, ( or Menu Peregrino) costs €11 or less all across the Camino Frances , although perhaps not in the likes of Burgos and Leon. Expect a few choices on starters and main courses, basic desserts, perhaps the house speciality, or maybe just a yoghurt or fruit. Sometimes includes a bottle of local vino. Can often be chicken and chips, but I have been offered river trout. You never know. Keep up the good work, love how you promote Spain.

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