Home Real Estate Spain update – A serious miscalculation?

Spain update – A serious miscalculation?

Spain update – A serious miscalculation?

Spain update and with high inflation, the country’s main gas supply in doubt and 1000s of flights being cancelled, what’s next?

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  1. Stu you need to bring this story up on your vblog….Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

  2. Hi Stu , thanks for another interesting walkabout vid , my wife and l just got back from Torrevieja via Alicante airport and l have to say it all went smoothly, there appeared to be the usual number of staff and no problem queuing . We cant say we've had any issues using Alicante several times in the last 10 months at various times of the day . The problem was when we arrived at London Stansted , it took over an hour to get through it.

  3. Hola Stu it's crazy here in Australia as well, tomato's are 10 dollars a kilo and there is a lettuce shortage- so much so that KFC have announced they will replace lettuce with cabbage in their burgers. Insane

  4. Buenas tardes, Stuart! I watched your channel regularly when I lived in Spain and after escaping last year it's good to stay updated as your info is always accurate and helpful. I hope to return to Spain in some years, once I've reclaimed my career and finances that got swallowed during the pandemic as a singer in Spain! Also, it's good for my child to be in UK with family for now. But I do miss Spain! Thanks for keeping us informed 🙂

  5. Hola Stuart muchas gracias por el vídeo we are hopefully coming over on Tuesday.flying from Birmingham hopefully going to get there about 5hours early.only problem is if we get through quickly they may not let me on the plane ✈️ después pasando cuatro horas en weatherspoons .we seldom use air con in our house.tenga una buena fin de semana

  6. Having lived and worked in the 1970s – seen much of it all before. But this time? Petrol/diesel will definitely double in price over the next 4-5 years as the internal combustion engine is driven off the road (no pun intended). Air travel will become the reserve of the elite. Civil unrest in parts of the world already, so expect that to spread across Europe, as living standards collapse well before ‘the 2030’.

  7. Hello Stuart – The current worldwide Economic problems provide a few indicators eg: Capitalism is RUTHLESS. The solution to a lot of problems in the west is to Shorten the length of time of Government periods to 2 to 3 years from 5. Also make sure that a Politician takes FULL responsibility for his policies for say – 30 to 40 years.

  8. My husband pays £10 for his haircut. Women have it way worse…mine is £28 but she does curl it! Looks like your hairdresser did a good job, from what we can see from under the cap. Greetings from Plague Island.

  9. I do prefer your videos when you’re out and about walking, get to see Spain more and makes me feel like I’m there too especially as my dream of living in Spain is probably pretty much dead now since Brexit ☹️ great video, thanks 👍🏾

  10. Premium unleaded now 2.50 e/l at BP in Peniche. No discounts from Portuguese government at all. Joke. Especially when added to the problems with the Portugal immigration service, the SEF, who have been suspended for months and a HUGE backlog of visa applications now forecast to take over 2 years to process… if you are lucky. Fallen out of love with Portugal!

  11. Yes, in 2016, Spain imported 52% of its nat gas from Algeria. That's a very high dependency on one source. In Ireland I passed a petrol station selling E5 unleaded for 2 euros 17.9 cents per litre. Fortunately, I was able to get it 30 cents cheaper at Tesco in Northern Ireland. Big event coming up is the ECB raising the base rate for the first time in over a decade.

  12. Thanks. Always interesting. Curious those areas of land left doing nothing much. Did someone buy to invest do you think? I would be tempted to grow fruit trees. At least that could be useful whilst they wait for a return😁😁👍

  13. if you lived in the centre of Madrid I guess you could get a haircut and a Pakistani one for 5-6 euros.

    don't you think its a bit iffy in how many beauty -massarge , have appeared over recent years? there is a lot more going on in there that meets the eye.

    as for the rubbish recently Barcelona City Council have had the bright idea to change its ones made from plastics which are friendly to the earth, however these bins are smaller and not collected in time, leaving people no option except to dump the rubbish outside of the bin.

  14. Regarding airports and travel…1ST WORLD PROBLEM! People are frea…n dying from war and starvation every day, and wealthy and spoiled people think about delays , since they will not survive without their annual family travel🙈🙉🙊 I hope they will get stuck at their destination not able to return to their mansions, it makes me sick🤮 hopefully I get better later. Thanks for sharing 👍

  15. Sanchez screwed up big time with Algeria ,by siding with the colonialist kingdom of shame Morroco.
    Algeria just signed a mega contract with Italy, which will make Spain hanging dry .

  16. Your country doesn't have a pot to piss in if it wasn't for tourism especially the English. Be greatful or suffer the consequences you ungrateful finger of the undemocratic unelected e.u., in my opinion.

  17. I'm mystified why olive oil should go so much. Can't understand how a locally produced foodstuff needs to jump in price 50%. Transportation is going to be pricier, but would surely not cause such a hike. Is this an example of what I call Me-Too Capitalism?

  18. It seems like such a monumentally stupid decision by Sanchez to suddenly cast in his lot with Morocco, at the expense of Algeria and it's gas, that you can't help but think that there is a little 'Baksheesh' involved here ( and by 'a little', I mean 'millions of euros' ).

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