Home Immigration Spain update day 140 – How long will it take Spain to recover?

Spain update day 140 – How long will it take Spain to recover?

Spain update day 140 – How long will it take Spain to recover?

Spain update and as news came through yesterday about Spain’s economy being smashed by the lockdown, today the focus turns to how long it will take to recover.

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  1. Any in-site on the housing market? Where are properties listed for sale ? I believe if U have dual citizenship with spain U can travel there from the 🇺🇸 USA?

  2. Hi Stuart, you mentiion medical in Spain. I live in Guardanar del Segura and speak very highly of Torrevieja Hospital from personal experience. As for tourism, for me there is no problem, it is needed to keep Spain active. Spain is a wonderful country and when lockdown completely finished, I plan to visit much more of the north. Keep up the videos, very informative

  3. Who in theirs own mind comes to Spain and don't want to taste Spanish food??
    (Especially if from the USA).
    Question: is it possible for an American to rent an appartment for like 3 or 6 months time?

  4. Stuart the convicts shipped to OZ were called PRISONER OF MOTHER ENGLAND hence the Australian who are descendants of convicts are the true POMIE not UK visitors to Australia or residents if England'.

  5. I arrived in Malaga 2 days ago. Wow the difference is shocking from Switzerland. Malaga is empty,nothing like last year in the off season. I was living here 6 months last year and i found that the people were not as open. Now that its less tourist its the perfect time to interact with the locals. My Spanish is approaching an intermediate level so i'm bent on leaving with a confident intermediate level.

    People are in mask everywhere its so shocking how the people are compliant. Back in Switzerland the beaches,bars and clubs have been opened and full from April. Masked became compulsory in buses and supermarkets 2 weeks ago. The numbers there are steady with a little peak the past week. Im not on the conspiracy bs but something is wrong. I was in the supermarket and a bar here and the workers saw my mask just slightly beneath my nose and told me to put it up fully. While at the same time you can eat outside a restaurant without a mask.
    Its all weird but I will observe the rules . I leave my mask at home in Switzerland by accident, here you can't do nothing w/o it. Its 40 degrees today.

  6. in this war there is no Victory, just night curfew "manu military" for 11M people ( half the census) un highly advanced countries, like Australia. Good bless the Queen

  7. Pom = Prisoner Of Merit. The term was given to English convicts transported to Australian penal colonies for low-level crimes and those with needed skills i.e carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. They received preferential treatment, lighter duties, better rations, that sort of thing. Many made the switch to being prison guards, which is why it became a derogatory term with those from other nationalities & lower in the pecking order.

  8. Well i have been booked to go to fuengirola for a week with my son (20)since February would I be right in saying that it's going to be allright or am i walking into a disaster that i,m going to regret , he works very hard and deserves a break, we live in berlin i am english with only a british passport my kid has a german passport ?

  9. The tourists industry could offer a lot of young people a career . It’s crazy the gov are not channelling support into this sector . Sunshine is Spain’s /Portugal’s asset .

  10. Over a million Spanish people are working abroad , the ones I know from cruise ship work have their furlough ending in October when they will be made redundant and have to come home, how will Spain cope when it already has two thirds of its people on the breadline.
    I think decades for recovery . We havnt even seen the economic damage yet.

  11. Hi Stuart, returning to my home in the centre of Valencia, having visited my father in Calpe. I noticed that the holiday traffic coming from Madrid and other inland areas, heading towards the coast between here and Alicante was madness. With the increased outbreaks of COVID-19 infections in the Capital and other areas, this does not bode well for the summer?

  12. Spain is fucked. Get used to that fact Stewart. I hope you have made preparations with regards to food etc as you are going to need it. The supply chains will begin to fail soon. World Economic Forum – The Great Reset.

  13. I was under the impression that the words pom and limey were related to British sailors and scurvy; British sailors who ate tropical fruit with high levels of vitamin C in order to ward off the malady, leading to settlers, who may have been British themselves, referring to those itinerant Brits by the names of the tropical fruit that they tended to consume.

  14. Would be curious to take a poll. Regarding the remarkably dismal economy and record unemployment numbers. How many people blame the virus? Vs. How many people blame the government. (i.e. the mandatory closing of schools, businesses / the lockdowns.) Undoubtedly a controversial pole. With lots of strong opinions from each perspective.

  15. I have lived in Spain for 17 years, whilst most Copanies issue Bill's and charge VAT lots of businesses refuse to take credit/debit cards in order to avoid taxation.
    This is the 21 century and Spain needs to realise that taxes must be paid.

  16. Talking of Spanish healthcare, Spain is actually one of the cosmetic plastic surgery capitals of Europe! I discovered this while reading ¡Hola! Fashion magazine. I was quite shocked at the market in Spain for chirurgical treatments for perceived ugliness……I saw all the ads so did some research on the phenomenon.

  17. Spanish socialists never want this Covid19 virus to go away. So it wont go away for now. Until the moment there is a vaccine, probably a very dangerous vaccine which everybody will be forced to accept. Many people unnecessary died during this Corona virus 'crises' so to ruin more lives seems to be no problem. Only when all Spaniards are vaccinated this government has the posibility to declare Spain being Covid free, without risking the chance of being accused for creating this criminal mess. I do know Spanish people being very critical about those Corona measures but accepting it because they receive free money in compensation. It is a bloody mess, everywhere.

  18. There is really no need talk about when Spain or U.K. economy will recuperate until we have the numbers of patients that has recuperated,and we don’t get them. It’s a farce

  19. Great stuff. Stu is right . Learning the tongue is difficult at 1st . & he is correct with verb advice por exemplo I have "TENGO" , is a long way from "yo he intentar" , I have tried. But if you commit to say, 2o minutes every day, that's much better than 2 hours once a week I promise, Penny's will start to drop.

  20. Well done ..

    Most commentators mixed quarterly (Europe) with annualized (USA) ..
    And stated how well Europe has done against the USA …

    Whinging poms …
    British sailors were called limeys because they were issued with fruits …

    Australia just added the complaining immigrants to poms (fruit) ..

    Keep the good work going ..

  21. Spain as usual with the politicians messing everything up, and personally I think, no future for the youths in terms of securing a better job and in fact not even any jobs . . . . . .Worse has yet to come . . . .

  22. Stuart, England and Australia have always had a sporting rivalry, especially in Cricket and Rugby. I find that follow those sports are firecely partisan during the match, but afterwards, whatever the result, we always end up in the bar drinking together.

  23. Hey Stu, I find it so interesting that when people move to a high tourist area & then complain about the tourists. Sort of like when people move close to a airport then complain about the planes!

  24. Hi Stuart. I only get my Spain news from you these days. I can't stand how the press use fear and sensationalize way too much. I like your neutral way of giving us the latest. Good job. I am a pohm who has been living in Barcelona for last 30 years.

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