Home Real Estate Spain update Live – Spain's sleep problem


  1. Hi Stu I think one of the mains reasons for the popularity of shopping malls is the ease of parking. There are more and more restrictions in town centres and local areas that it easier to access the shopping malls.

  2. I've been in Spain for almost 22 years. I'm originally from the US. I found their timetable baffling as well in the begnning. The worst part is their work schedule. They get off work too late: 7 or 7:30 pm but they start at the same time as everyone else in major Western Countries. Moreover, they have a sillly habit where, you can't leave the office until the boss leaves. Sometimes yo have nothing to but you have to look busy. Utter nonsense. Don't forget about the mid morning 11:30 am snack/meal which can sometimes turn into an hour or more. How about the going out and the club scene…The clubs don't start til 2:30 or 3 am….talk about tardiness! I'm sorry to say, Spain gets 3 out of ten (or an F in the States) for their daily life timetable.

  3. Not watched for a while as I have been really busy this last month or so. I have got a new job. Certainly have to "madrugar" Tues-Thurs to get Cercanías to work!!! I have one of the free abonos. (Mon + Fri I work from home. Love early finish on Friday 3pm). The Spanish hours suit me as I am an evening person. When I visit UK or Portugal people seem to eat so early.

  4. In Las Palmas the bars close very late 2 or 3 am then the people walk down the streets talking very loud and singing the streets are narrow and the noise bounces of the buildings this keeps a lot of people awake

  5. With the high youth unemployment in Spain, perhaps there should be more training offered in the construction industry so that they wouldn't have to rely on cheap immigrant labour and also have to jump through EU hoops to get the funding.

  6. Sleep problems are worse because light pollution is worse its 24hr broad daylight in most of spain constantly dazzled by those godawful streetlights and before you say it studies have prooved there is no link between crime and good quality steet lighting and star lit skies but we all know the harm of bad street lights on humans and wildlife. Remember big pharma wants you sick be careful of those sleeping pills.

  7. When I came to Spain I adapted to their way of life and think its great! I never had meals early in the UK usually around 7.30pm due to work commitments so it was never a struggle to adapt -I am a late person anyway so the life here is perfect for me ,I love the siestas why more countries don't adopt it I don't know! Spain is Spain and people from other countries should adapt accordingly! How anyone can eat a meal in the height of summer at 6pm is beyond me!

  8. Hi St
    Totally agree with you.
    Everything is far too late. Plus eating late evening is not good for the digestive system. As I said in one of my previous comments because of the afternoon siesta Spanish workers have to work until late evening. So don't get much of a social life with family.
    I have also lived in Spain for 22 years and run a business. But we work UK hours. 09.00 to 5.30pm And give our staff two days off a week.

  9. Rent limits (controls) have been called by an economist 'the surest way to destroy a city short of strategic bombing', as landlords end up unable to afford repairs and tenants have no right or reason to make them, and you don't get new landlords coming in to the market. Keeping rents low also incentivises use of AirBnB type arrangements as the risk is much lower.

  10. Hi Stuart, I hope you are well. I'm watching the live update but the bit where I usualy type my comments is not showing. maybe because I've joined the chat late. Anyway, great vid as always. All the very best.

  11. Hello Stuart, being retired when we moved here 20 years ago we always ate our meals in UK times it's never been a problem for us ,we do notice the daylight saving hours cause a little disruption for a week or two ,we feel it is better to eat before 8 in the evening so as to digest before bedtime ,
    We've wondered how the working Spanish people manage such long days .
    Great to get your updates on living in Spain. Keep it up and thankyou .

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