Home Real Estate Spain update live – The end?


  1. Hi Stuart ,enjoying your shows still unfortunately can't make the live show today as I'm visiting friends in antequera Malaga really enjoying myself 👍 with wine and manchego🧀 keep up the good work mate Steve from Wales loving Spain 🇪🇸 👍🍷 ☀️

  2. so what you're saying, STU, (at about 17m20) is that if you own a vaycay property in Spain, Squatters are WELCOME!! It's not like they're BREAKING IN when you are AWAY?? Ever heard of AIR B N B?? If a homeowner wants STRANGERS in their home while they're away, they should LEGALLY BE PAID to use it. Otherwise, that's COMMUNISM…what's YOURS is MINE for FREE!

  3. I wondered why the bars on the windows for a long time, then a friend put me right and made me feel a bit silly for not knowing. I noticed then that on many properties not all the windows were barred/caged. The bars enable one to leave their windows open to allow fresh air through on a warm day and leave the house without worry. At least that is my friend's theory and it seems like a good one and explains why not all windows are like that, just the ones you choose to leave open

  4. Why would any civilised person want to kill a bull for fun? Don't humans kill enough of them for food? Just because it's a tradition doesn't mean it is right. Garroting people sentenced to death in Spain was a tradition, that was not a good tradition so was stopped. Bullfighting of all types where /the/ an animal is tortured and then killed should be stopped. Ending a life for entertainment is wrong.

  5. Stuart, about the bull abuse you say it's in the genes. That is, of course, an idiotic statement and if necessary, people who are more intelligent should explain to those stupid people how criminal it is to do such things. We have also lived here for over twenty years and have been spreading this message all the years, I even scold hunters with a megaphone for filthy killers, yes, I am super rude to them and rightly so, they are bastards too. (don't think I'm a young person, on the contrary)

  6. Re-Bull fighting/Festivals linked to this. I would recommend that anyone, including Spanish people, against Bull fighting, to look up the BBC's opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games. It relates to what happened in 1160 re-Bull Baiting. And how it was stopped in 1798. The Bull now revered. Therefore proving how it's banning will be seen positively not negatively. Many visitors now visiting Birmingham to see the Bull for themselves. 'Not just a story'. But a true story.💕

  7. News about squatting in Spain seems to be similar to news about plane crashes. The amount of attention given by news and social media make it seem that the problem is more common than it actually is. In a population of about 50 million people, the squatting incidents last year where around 15,000. Compare that to the number of thefts and burglary which is in the hundreds thousands. Hence the window bars. What is important of course is that these crimes are being addressed, albeit the slow progress.

  8. Only morons and Globalist,s are shutting down fully functional Nuclear plant,s !!!!! Look at Germany and the rest of Europe North , so It is easy to just have a look at us now , and you do not want this madness !!!! 🤔😤

  9. Hi Stu, My understanding of gentrified is people move into an area and pay more for property. They come in with money which raises property costs. This pushes out the locals who do not have as much income.

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