Home Real Estate Spain update – Why so angry?

Spain update – Why so angry?

Spain update – Why so angry?

The anti-tourism groups are back and painting hate slogans on walls in Barcelona. Does Spain need to rethink its tourism model?

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  1. London has such a mix of nationalities and loads of tourism..that's how it is..it brings in money..cities all over world are the same. We live in a tourism area in the UK devon and rural..same problem with air bnbs and no local homes.
    Agree tourism is based on sun and sand..question cheap alcohol is a pull though..people like to travel to different countries to have that experience.
    That is mean about horrid neighbours..thought spain was live and let live and still think that..great nation.

  2. Spanish bureaucracy is absolutely dreadful . I fully agree with you Stu . It certainly needs sorting out . The civil servants ( who are anything but civil ) enjoy being in control and making life as difficult as possible

  3. Mill gracias por el video Stuart trying to get things done in Spain 🇪🇸 the first thing you need to do is to buy a high quality crash helmet ⛑🪖 because your head gets very sore banging it against the wall. Tenga una buena fin de semana

  4. 2029 me and the wife are retiring in alicante from sweden. i am english but have a swedish passport. so should be no problems for us moving there.
    we have long paid off our house here and now saving hard for a villa for about 250k euros. cant retire here in sweden. i'de go crazy house bound from october to april

  5. Good luck Spain ! Can only stay for 3 months ! Now this . If it gets worse . We will stop coming . Let’s face it to get a Spanish person to smile and make you feel welcome , is Like winning the lottery. Try Greece they make you feel like one of the family . I’m coming from this as a guy with a place in Spain . It’s a caravan park . The owners serve people from UK last !? Although without us paying rent over covid period they would of gone bankrupt!.. I don’t understand it . The country’s not as beautiful as Italy of Greece . They must be very careful otherwise they’ll end up as peasant farmers again

  6. Regarding Spanish bureaucracy, the elephant in the room: the civil servants there obtained jobs for life after arduous examinations. So once in function, they feel "entitled" and even PRIDE THEMSELVES on working as little as possible!

  7. Franco developed Tourism back in the 50's-60's. Without it, Spain would not have an economy. The only reason the EU paid £millions to Spain was to develop and update the infrastructure to suit the visiting tourists from other EU countries. It became the playground/holiday destination of Europe attracting great numbers of mostly British and Germans. Are these far left activists coming up with a viable solution to replace tourism in the economy ?

  8. Jealousy is a dangerous illness . It comes from the general population of Spain who don’t like affluent go for it Spaniards to make money ! The mentality of the average Spaniard is backward thinking because like France they have been spoilt by the financial back up of the eu. And any one who tries to better themselves all of a sudden becomes a target

  9. I think the issue with Spanish bureaucracy is due to the fact that the civil servants study so hard to get the job in the first place and then once they have succeeded its then feet up on the desk and wait for retirement

  10. Hi👋🇪🇸🇬🇧!! I have just listened to your broadcast today, " NOTHING NEW ABOUT MY CRAPPY COUNTRY"…[…], with reference to Barcelona & Mallorca , forget that part of Spain 🇪🇸 they don't measure to a normal standard of decent behaviour…la crap de la crap!!! Many other parts of Europe, where you could spend your money wisely & been made welcome 👌 left Spain when I was 18, and now is crappier than ever…not a decent word to say about my country, waited 18 months for an appointment in London to renew my f…..h spanish passport…disgraceful!!!👎👎👋🇬🇧🇪🇸

  11. THIS upward pressure for increased rents, etc., &it SEEMS EVERYTHING else…is called “gentrification” here…& the economic “up-turn/down-turn” happens here, too… I HOPE there’s a solution…. 😶🤔👠👣

  12. The solution to the AirBnB problem is well known. You license them and tax them. This benefits the locality. Unfortunately, local authorities are reluctant to do that and, in particular, enforce that.

  13. Government of Spain encouraged developers to build from the 50s. The government are to blame for the ruined towns city's and islands. Its to late to ask if tourism is to blame. Its certainly not tourist we bring the money.

  14. Civil servants are tenured. Therefore they're not in a hurry. That's número uno. Second, Landlords here make considerably more renting to tourists for appalling amounts of money for a few weeks than they would for a month from a renter. I live in Madrid and we're also pissed off about it. The problem isn't the tourists, it's the greedy landlords.

  15. Hi Stuart, gr8 video, I can understand the anti tourist thing though I disagree with their action. I work in the tourist sector on the CDS and when you see the behaviour of the minority at the airport and in popular night club areas you have to ask yourself is it any wonder that the locals get up tight. Some of these tourists think they can just carry on and totally disrespect the local population.
    I have in the past found the beauracracy thing difficult but put it down to living in a foreign country where they do things differently, it makes it more bearable🤣🤣.
    Keep up the good work mate,

  16. The Air B&B issue is a problem even here in northern Scotland. It brings visitors into residential areas and thus precludes locals from getting reasonable flats to rent. Here in Inverness for instance on any one week there are only about 10 -15 one and 2 bed properties available for normal renting. There are hundreds of former properties that are now short term rental only (talking from as little as 1 night to the max of 2 weeks). Maybe this model needs banning and confine visitors to normal holiday accommodation – hotels, guest houses and established Bed & Breakfast locations.

  17. I've been to quite a few different places across Spain and loved them all , except one. Barcelona. I hated it. It was like being in an unrecognisable foreign land other than Spanish.

  18. The Canary Islands are an all year round tourist destination particularly during the winter with temperatures ranging from 20° to 28°centigrade! So we do better during the Winter… for the same temperatures we enjoy you need to go to Miami..just a titch longer on the plane!😂
    Spanish democracy? now that's a whole other story 🙄

  19. The problem is bad tourism. We have traveled many places and until we speak we are frequently treated like locals. I see groups of tourists being demanding, rude and obnoxious. I can understand the dislike by those living in a tourist towns.

  20. Regarding bureaucracy here in my view and speaking as an autónomo for the last 26 years, the state has no interest in improving things for citizens as it is another mechanism for the state to maintain its control and dominance over Joe public, keep us in our place under their boots. It also represents the first line of defence for public sector employees from the lowest to the highest as a) the less work they have and more pay the better b) any public attempt to change a) will either go nowhere or actually turn the state machinery against anyone making a formal complaint for example
    I once got into an argument with a police officer who refused to put out his cigarette in a lift. Our verbal exchange contained into the street and he watched me get onto my motorbike and ride away. Two weeks later I received a fine relating to my car the same day of our argument, a Tuesday. My car was always in its car park Monday to Friday so this was impossible. I appealed against the fine but this only resulted in the system eliminating my right to a discount for early payment. No explanation or proof of the traffic offence was given. The fact was that I had dared to challenge a state employee who was breaking the law and was consequently put in my place.

  21. Hi Stu
    Yes Spain is stuck in a rutt as you say to get things done takes forever. The same thing happened when the Paramount theme park was going to be built in Murcia a few years ago. It would of brought so many jobs to the areas. And boosted the economy. But because of red tape again they all pulled out.

  22. I lived in Madrid for 22 years from 1975-1997. I remember trips to Barcelona and asking, for example, directions in Spanish (I was fluent) and getting a response in catalan. Everyone in Barcelona speaks Spanish: I found this very rude and it happened more often than not.

  23. Imagine Spain's economy without tourism. It will take a lot to offset the loss .and the government would have to streamline a lot to accommodate new alternative businesses. Not impossible but unlikely. Spain and its people are so amazing; the thought of not being a tourist there or that my hosts don't want me saddens me.

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