See our entire CABIN BUILD and off grid pallet kitchen build, mainly TIMELAPSED over 1 YEAR on our homestead in Central Portugal.
We are The Wildlanders Off Grid! A family learning how to live the good life sustainably and on a tight budget. Subscribe to watch our adventures as we turn our 1.3 hectares of Portuguese Wild Lands into a little slice of off grid paradise!
We hope to inspire others to make their dreams a reality.
We’ve lived on the road as nomads for over 3 years and now we’re creating our dream homestead and living simply off the land.
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🔷THANKS to Martin
AND also to Greg and Lou
If you’re interested in learning how to set up an off grid homestead, or family off grid living follow our journey with us. We’ve never lived off the grid so it’s a voyage of discovery!
We would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our Subscribers and everyone who watches our videos and for all the lovely comments, it really does mean a lot to us. Thanks for watching 🙂
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Can't believe it's been 1year since we started our cabin, we fondly call the shadehouse! It's grown, improved and changed as, we've added and learnt what we need for pleasant times off grid in cold winters, and bruttalt hot summers!
I've collect footage from multiple vlogs added new time-lapse stuff and can show you the entire build over the year from start to finish 💚 hope you enjoy it, as much as, I did building it. I'm especially pleased nay proud of the outdoor pallet kitchen!
All that hard work has produced a lovely kitchen and living space. When you get periods of physical exhaustion make sure to rest so your body can recover. Burnout is nothing more than prolonged exhaustion. And as we all know, when the body is not well or as it should be, our minds and emotions aren't strong either. Staying the course in your challenging life adventure will require you to keep your passion and inspiration alive for the realization of your dreams. So stay healthy, and take care of yourselves. God bless.
Shtunnen absolutely shtunnen! Well done looks incredible you should be very proud of that, as well as learning along the way 👏👍❤️
Amazing work ethic and a great result! Looks really good too from an aesthetic pleasing view as well. Me likey 😍
God bless 🏴🍀
The (roofed) kitchen is such a great addition – and it looks lovely too. Well done Wildlanders!
You've now got lounging space and catering space ………. does this mean that The Sub is really only used as a bedroom now?
Great Vlog guys, always enjoy watching your journey 👍👍👍
Gosh i cannot believe its been a year already ive watched your journey from the start i always enjoy watching you all, hows the back Dom?
I bet your IBCs are full by now. We have another week of it to come! BTW. If you have any other cement/concrete jobs to do you are welcome to borrow my cement mixer, I'm in Amarelos 😉
You all have come along way in a year looks amazing
Lovely work guys.
Honestly I am so glad you had a limited budget though it must have been frustrating for you at times.
But it made you creative and you have done a wonderful job.
If you had money to burn I don't think it would have been so beautiful or satisfying. Kudos and love to you all.
Totally in love with your kitchen great job 👏 😍 👌 keep positive
That wS brilliant to watch. Sorry, but even though you said don't laugh, when you were carrying the ibc's,I did!. 😂 x
All the best Wildlands, you are working really hard. Would love to come n help for a few months…….. Much love from rainy cold New Zealand. 💕
Loving your vids and your place is looking ACE.
Great job! 💛❤💚🇨🇦🇵🇹
Love watching you guys and your Journey is Amazing. Thanks for sharing.
As I have followed you before and after you brought the land it's good to do a recap on what has been achieved in that time congrats