Home Real Estate Storm Eunice: Planes struggle to land at Heathrow

Storm Eunice: Planes struggle to land at Heathrow

Storm Eunice: Planes struggle to land at Heathrow

Gusts of 122mph were recorded in the UK as damaging winds caused by Storm Eunice wreaked havoc.

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  1. I flew into London on that evening after watching these clips.. the wind had died down a little by then but still a bit scary to say the least. I happen to have a massive fear of flying I've been working on over the past year so this experience was a game changer for me.

  2. Give every pilot an enormous round of applause, what skill, what micro second application of skill; deciding at the last second whether to land or go around. A tribute to their training and cool thinking.

  3. Kudos to all the engineers and test crews that design and test past the limits to make sure these aircraft are up to this. Kudos to the managers that get out of the way and let them do their thing. As an aside, if the crosswinds are out of limits, your pilot should not be trying this at home. Do not give anyone grief for landing somewhere else or holding for hours. PS – the lives were saved a long time ago by other people who figured out what the limits are.

  4. Okay so late response It's my friends Beatrice sister Eunice that was piloting this plane and landed it God bless her soul she saved so many lives with her extraordinary wisdom

  5. Whenever they go on board a ship they call on God, and dedicate their faith to Him alone, but once He has delivered them safely back to land, they start to ascribe partners to Him!

    Quran chapter 29 Ayah 65

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