Home Real Estate The Easiest Countries to Open a Bank Account


  1. In some countries, depending on each bank and its staff, your money can be embezzled out or disappear if the account stays dormant for more than 3 years without any transactions.
    Even in the states and S. Korea such things happen to many senior citizens who have not checked their accounts for a long time. In many cases, the account holders die of old age
    and nobody claims the money anyway!! The shady bankers know this and some will steal the money!!

  2. good topic, but the presentation suggested that the presenter read from a teleprompter. May I suggest adding a link to that article on your website. It would give us who are more textual than aural a chance to catch up.

  3. With CRS and FATCA it's useless to open offshore bank account if you want to avoid taxes because your tax jurisdictions will be notified about your account balance and type of income.

    And even if you want to become tax resident of a low tax jurisdiction you will pay 30 % of your US income from online marketplaces and I suppose that's the case for other high tax countries. And if you want to sell directly from your low tax jurisdiction to tier 1 country you will find it almost impossible to get a reputable online payment provider because that's high risk for them and if you get one Most likely it will be shut down and frozen once you make a significant income or have a chargeback which ever comes first.

    There's also FATF list and other risk assessment factors that banks are required to take into consideration when a clinet wants to open bank account with them. So getting carribian passport and/or residing in a sanctioned country like the UAE ( grey listed by fatf ) will make banking very difficult for you because your nationality and your place of residence is considered high risk by banks. And countries who have low requirements and open bank accounts for people who wants to avoid paying taxes where they are obligated to will eventually get sanctioned like Hong Kong, Bahrain, Malta and UAE and will be forced to become more strict with banking, impose income taxes or even stop selling citizenship ( EU shengen visa free passports )

    It's only make since to renounce your citizenship if you already rich like the Brazilian American Facebook Co founder who renounced his US citizenship and moved to Singapore.
    Or if you want to target your new low tax country of residence market with your products and services but good luck finding strong purchasing power and big markets like high tax countries.

  4. The Community of the Portuguese Language Countries’ Council of Ministers approved the proposal of free movement of persons within the Community

    The Community of the Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP – Comunidade dos Paises de Lingua Portuguesa in Portuguese) approved a proposal in order to grant the free movement of persons in the Lusophone space.
    Portugal, angola, brazil, mozambique, east timor, bissau guinea, equatorial guinea, cape verde and sao tome and principe.

  5. On the occasion of the 27th Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government, Spain, Portugal, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Brazil, Nicaragua, Panama and Colombia signed a Framework Agreement to boost the movement of talent in the Ibero-American area.

    This Agreement seeks to facilitate the movement between companies of executives and specialised workers, the movement of qualified professionals, researchers, investors and entrepreneurs within the Ibero-American area, along with work experience and internships for young people in Ibero-American companies, thus fostering the transfer of knowledge, innovation and scientific and intellectual creation.

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